GARAGE PUNK, Oi!, Synth Punk from OVERSEAS
Record, CD, Cassette
◾️Primator Crew (France)
French & US Oi!
・SQUELETTE "Fin de partie" LP
・BETON ARME "Second souffle" EP
・ULTRA RAZZIA "jusqu'au bout de la nuit" LP
・BATTERY MARCH - Futur pour eux EP
・BELGRADO / Intra Apogeum (LP)
・SIAL / Sangkar (7" - Blue Vinyl)
・RAT CAGE / In The Shadow Of The Bomb (7")
・BALTA / Rendszerszintű Agybaszás (7")
■Sealed records (UK)
・Rudimentary Peni / Cacophony (LP)
・Alternative / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP)
・Organized Chaos / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl)
■The Little Jan's Hammer Records (Spain)
・Karoshi / The End Of The Illusion Of Freedom (LP)
・Ultimo resorte / no hay tiempo que perder (LP)
・System of Slaves / Masters of Mankind (LP)
・Dimoni / s/t (LP)
・Hardcoriks Anonims / First Abortion (LP)
・Sentido Comun / 1983/1985 (LP)
・Piorreah / vuelta a empezar (LP)
・THE STALIN / 虫 - 40th Anniversary Edition - (2CD)
■Tranzophobia (France)
・Terror & Miseria / Destruyando y Sembrando(LP)
Anarcho Hardcore from Chile
・JARADA / No Co-Existence with…Jarada(LP)
Hardcore Punk from Israel
・Juggling Jugulars / Who’s Talking ? E.P(7”)
Finnish Punk from Finland
・MV-11 (7”) Hardcore Punk from Japan
Oi! / Punk / Hardcore
・TERRE NEUVE s/t (7")
・RÉSILIENCE s/t (7")
・COLLAPS s/t (7")
・REVERT “Euskal Hardcorra” (12")
・CUERO / PURO ODIO “Morir En Vizcaya” (Split 12")
・NO EXCUSE / You Fuckin' Die (7"EP)
・Grist Gine Vol.4
・NŌ / Punk is a message (10"EP) (JPN)
X-V.I.D.E.O / LIKE FLIES ON SHIT - I DON'T NEED IT (12"EP) - Translucent Sleeve / Blue -
X-V.I.D.E.O / LIKE FLIES ON SHIT - I DON'T NEED IT (12"EP) - Translucent Sleeve / Blue - Limited Edition No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2022/05 Release 大阪のKiller '77Punk Band、X-V.I.D.E.Oの1st7"「I Don't Need It」と2nd7"「Like Flies On Shit」の2枚の7"をカップリングしたアナログ盤12"。 1stの3曲と2ndの3曲を合わせた全6曲収録!インサート封入。 限定半透明スリーヴ(青)。 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m-p0PMtZPo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPNsASlMzhw Analogue 12" coupling of two 7 "s from Osaka's Killer '77Punk Band, X-V.I.D.E.O.: 1st 7" "I Don't Need It" and 2nd 7" "Like Flies On Shit". Includes all six tracks, three from the first and three from the second with insert. Limited translucent sleeve (Blue).
X-V.I.D.E.O / LIKE FLIES ON SHIT - I DON'T NEED IT (12"EP) - Translucent Sleeve / Red -
X-V.I.D.E.O / LIKE FLIES ON SHIT - I DON'T NEED IT (12"EP) - Translucent Sleeve / Red - Limited Edition No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2022/05 Release 大阪のKiller '77Punk Band、X-V.I.D.E.Oの1st7"「I Don't Need It」と2nd7"「Like Flies On Shit」の2枚の7"をカップリングしたアナログ盤12"。 1stの3曲と2ndの3曲を合わせた全6曲収録!インサート封入。 限定半透明スリーヴ(赤)。 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m-p0PMtZPo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPNsASlMzhw Analogue 12" coupling of two 7 "s from Osaka's Killer '77Punk Band, X-V.I.D.E.O.: 1st 7" "I Don't Need It" and 2nd 7" "Like Flies On Shit". Includes all six tracks, three from the first and three from the second with insert. Limited translucent sleeve (red).
X-V.I.D.E.O / LIKE FLIES ON SHIT - I DON'T NEED IT (12"EP - Regular Sleeve)
X-V.I.D.E.O / LIKE FLIES ON SHIT - I DON'T NEED IT (12"EP - Regular Sleeve) No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2022/05 Release 大阪のKiller '77Punk Band、X-V.I.D.E.Oの1st7"「I Don't Need It」と2nd7"「Like Flies On Shit」の2枚の7"をカップリングしたアナログ盤12"。 1stの3曲と2ndの3曲を合わせた全6曲収録!インサート封入。 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m-p0PMtZPo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPNsASlMzhw Analogue 12" coupling of two 7 "s from Osaka's Killer '77Punk Band, X-V.I.D.E.O.: 1st 7" "I Don't Need It" and 2nd 7" "Like Flies On Shit". Includes all six tracks, three from the first and three from the second with insert.
ILLEGAL LEATHER / Hate Crime (7"EP) - Regular Sleeve Edition -
ILLEGAL LEATHER / Hate Crime (7"EP) - Regular Sleeve Edition - No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/06 Release The Gaggers, Disco Lepers, La Rabbiaのメンバーを擁するロンドンの KBDパンク・バンド、ILLEGAL LEATHERの2曲入り1st7"。 KBD / '77punk / scum punk https://illegalleather.bandcamp.com/album/hate-crime First 7" with two tracks from London KBD punk band ILLEGAL LEATHER, featuring members of The Gaggers, Disco Lepers and La Rabbia.
ILLEGAL LEATHER / Hate Crime (7"EP) - Limited Sleeve Edition -
ILLEGAL LEATHER / Hate Crime (7"EP) - Limited Sleeve Edition - No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/06 Release The Gaggers, Disco Lepers, La Rabbiaのメンバーを擁するロンドンの KBDパンク・バンド、ILLEGAL LEATHERの2曲入り1st7"。限定ジャケット・バージョン。 KBD / '77punk / scum punk Bandcamp https://illegalleather.bandcamp.com/album/hate-crime First 7" with two tracks from London KBD punk band ILLEGAL LEATHER, featuring members of The Gaggers, Disco Lepers and La Rabbia. Limited jacket version.
ZULETZT / Re//Action (7"EP) - Regular Sleeve Edition -
ZULETZT / Re//Action (7"EP) - Regular Sleeve Edition - No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/06 Release ロンドンとミュンヘンのメンバーによるシンセ・パンク / ポスト・パンク・バンド、ZULETZTの2曲入り1st7"。レギュラー・ジャケット・バージョン。歌詞カード・インサート付。 まさしくJoy Division-esqueなサウンド。 punk / cold wave / electro / post-punk / synthpunk Bandcamp https://zuletzt.bandcamp.com/releases First 7" with two tracks by ZULETZT, a synth-punk / post-punk band with members from London and Munich. Regular jacket version. Includes lyric card insert. Very Joy Division-esque sound.
ZULETZT / Re//Action (7"EP) - Limited Sleeve Edition -
ZULETZT / Re//Action (7"EP) - Limited Sleeve Edition - No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/06 Release ロンドンとミュンヘンのメンバーによるシンセ・パンク / ポスト・パンク・バンド、ZULETZTの2曲入り1st7"。限定ジャケット・バージョン。歌詞カード・インサート付。 まさしくJoy Division-esqueなサウンド。 punk / cold wave / electro / post-punk / synthpunk Bandcamp https://zuletzt.bandcamp.com/releases First 7" with two tracks by ZULETZT, a synth-punk / post-punk band with members from London and Munich. Limited jacket version. Includes lyric card insert. Very Joy Division-esque sound.
LA RABBIA / The Setting in Motion of Horrific Events (7"EP) - Limited Sleeve -
LA RABBIA / The Setting in Motion of Horrific Events (7"EP) - Limited Sleeve - No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/07 Release ロンドンのパンク・バンド、LA RABBIAの2ndシングル、7”EP。4曲入り。限定ジャケット・バージョン。 Miscalculations, Warren Schoenbright, The Gaggersのメンバーが在籍。 anarcho-punk / post-punk / '77 - '82punk / Hardcore Bandcamp https://larabbia.bandcamp.com/album/the-setting-in-motion-of-horrific-events Second single, 7" EP from London punk band LA RABBIA, containing four tracks. Limited jacket version. Features members of Miscalculations, Warren Schoenbright and The Gaggers.
ATOMIC EATER // KOOL & THE GANG BANGERS / Split (7"EP) - Limited 120 copies -
ATOMIC EATER // KOOL & THE GANG BANGERS / Split (7"EP) - Limited 120 copies - No Front Teeth Records (UK) / Helvete's Kitchen Records (Sweden) 2021/05 Release スウェーデンのAtomic EaterとKool & The Gang Bangersのスプリット7"EP。 Atomic Eaterは不穏で奇天烈なシンセ飛び交うLo-Fi Synth Punk。 Kool & The Gang BangersはTrashyなGarege Rock'n'Roll Punkサウンド。 ロンドンのNo Front Teeth RecordsとスウェーデンのHelvete's Kitchenの共同リリース。 各バンド2曲の全4曲収録。 Bandcamp https://atomiceater.bandcamp.com/album/atomic-eater-k-g-bs-split https://koolandthegangbangers.bandcamp.com/album/kgbs-atomic-eater-split Split 7" EP from Sweden's Atomic Eater and Kool & The Gang Bangers. Atomic Eater is unsettling, bizarre, synth-fuelled Lo-Fi Synth Punk. Kool & The Gang Bangers are Trashy Garege Rock'n'Roll Punk. Co-released by London's No Front Teeth Records and Sweden's Helvete's Kitchen. Contains four tracks, two from each band.
KOOL & THE GANG BANGERS / Year Of The Cool (7"EP - White Sleeve)
KOOL & THE GANG BANGERS / Year Of The Cool (7"EP - White Sleeve) No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/01 Release スウェーデンのGarage Punk Band、Kool &The Gang Bangersの2021年1月リリースの1st7"EP。Lo-Fi Garege Punkサウンドで痛快に突き抜ける4曲収録。White Sleeveバージョン。 Bandcamp https://koolandthegangbangers.bandcamp.com/album/year-of-the-kool The first 7" EP from Swedish garage punk band Kool & The Gang Bangers, released in January 2021, featuring four tracks that painfully pierce through the Lo-Fi garage punk sound. White Sleeve version.
KOOL & THE GANG BANGERS / Year Of The Cool (7"EP - Black Sleeve)
KOOL & THE GANG BANGERS / Year Of The Cool (7"EP - Black Sleeve) No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2021/01 Release スウェーデンのGarage Punk Band、Kool &The Gang Bangersの2021年1月リリースの1st7"EP。Lo-Fi Garege Punkサウンドで痛快に突き抜ける4曲収録。Black Sleeveバージョン。 Bandcamp https://koolandthegangbangers.bandcamp.com/album/year-of-the-kool The first 7" EP from Swedish garage punk band Kool & The Gang Bangers, released in January 2021, featuring four tracks that painfully pierce through the Lo-Fi garage punk sound. Black Sleeve version.
MONONEGATIVES / Apparatus Division (12"LP) - 20 Limited translucent edition -
MONONEGATIVES / Apparatus Division (12"LP) - 20 Limited translucent edition - No Front Teeth Records / Big Neck Records 2021/05 release ロンドンのパンク / ニューウェーヴ / シンセパンクBand、Mononegatives 待望の1stアルバム。raw lo-fi noise-sinth-wave-rock'n'roll-punk master降臨!時折飛び交う不協和なシンセの音色が耳に響く。全12曲収録。 限定20枚の透明スリーブ、赤プリントバージョン。インサート付。 Bandcamp https://bigneckrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/apparatus-division London punk / new wave / synth-punk band Mononegatives' long-awaited first album: raw lo-fi noise-sinth-wave-rock'n'roll-punk masters descend! Dissonant synth tones that occasionally jump around, echoing in your ears. 12 tracks in total. Limited edition of 20 copies in transparent sleeve, red printed version. Includes insert.
MONONEGATIVES / Apparatus Division (12"LP)
MONONEGATIVES / Apparatus Division (12"LP) No Front Teeth Records / Big Neck Records 2021/05 release ロンドンのパンク / ニューウェーヴ / シンセパンクBand、Mononegatives 待望の1stアルバム。raw lo-fi noise-sinth-wave-rock'n'roll-punk master降臨!時折飛び交う不協和なシンセの音色が耳に響く。全12曲収録。レギュラー・バージョン、インサート付。 Bandcamp https://bigneckrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/apparatus-division London punk / new wave / synth-punk band Mononegatives' long-awaited first album: raw lo-fi noise-sinth-wave-rock'n'roll-punk masters descend! Dissonant synth tones that occasionally jump around, echoing in your ears. 12 tracks in total. Regular version, with insert.
LA RABBIA / Ideological Weapons (7" Flexi - ソノシート) - limited sleeve edition -
LA RABBIA / Ideological Weapons (Flexi - ソノシート) - limited sleeve edition - No Front Teeth Records 2021/05 Release ロンドンのアナーコ・パンク / ポスト・パンクBand、LA RABBIAの2曲入りソノシート。77Punk、Anarcho Punk、Hardcore、Post Punkの要素を融合した斬新なサウンド。Miscalculations, Warren Schoenbright, The Gaggers のメンバーを含むバンド。 限定スリーヴ。 Bandcamp https://larabbia.bandcamp.com/album/ideological-weapons Two-song sonosheet from London anarcho-punk / post-punk band LA RABBIA, combining elements of 77Punk, anarcho-punk, hardcore and post-punk for an innovative sound. Band includes members of Schoenbright, The Gaggers, Miscalculations and Warren. Limited sleeve.
LA RABBIA / Ideological Weapons (7" Flexi - ソノシート) - regular sleeve edition -
LA RABBIA / Ideological Weapons (Flexi - ソノシート) - regular sleeve edition - No Front Teeth Records 2021/05 Release ロンドンのアナーコ・パンク / ポスト・パンクBand、LA RABBIAの2曲入りソノシート。77Punk、Anarcho Punk、Hardcore、Post Punkの要素を融合した斬新なサウンド。Miscalculations, Warren Schoenbright, The Gaggers のメンバーを含むバンド。 レギュラー・スリーヴ。 Bandcamp https://larabbia.bandcamp.com/album/ideological-weapons Two-song sonosheet from London anarcho-punk / post-punk band LA RABBIA, combining elements of 77Punk, anarcho-punk, hardcore and post-punk for an innovative sound. Band includes members of Schoenbright, The Gaggers, Miscalculations and Warren. Regular sleeve.
THE MISSILE STUDS / With Love From The Missile Studs (12"LP)
THE MISSILE STUDS / With Love From The Missile Studs (12"LP) No Front Teeth Records / Dirtyflair Record Company - 2021/05 Release - オーストラリアの'77スタイル・パンクband、The Missile Studsの2ndアルバム。まさしく王道を行く直球77punkサウンド。ジャケはRezillos、サウンドはPistols ~ Ramones ~ Slaughter And The Dogsなどを彷彿とさせる。Buzzcocks"Boredomb"のカバーを含む全9曲収録。 カードボード・インサート、downlord cord付。 https://dirtyflairrecordcompany.bandcamp.com/album/with-love-from-the-missile-studs Second album by Australian '77-style punk band The Missile Studs. The sound is straight-up 77punk, right on the high road. Includes nine tracks, including a cover of the Buzzcocks' "Boredomb". Comes with cardboard insert and downlord cord.
DEAD MEAT / (Ⅱ) EP (7"Vinyl Yellow Sleeve)
DEAD MEAT / (Ⅱ) EP (7"EP - Yellow Sleeve -) No Front Teeth Records ※セール価格です。¥1380→¥980 ロンドンを拠点とするDEAD MEATの2ndシングル。77スタイルのストレートなKBD Punk Rockサウンド、4曲入り。 缶バッチ付き(直径約5.5cm)。 EPは300枚プレスで、黄色スリーブは25枚限定。 レーベルでは既に売り切れ。 2021年リリース。 https://deadmeatpunk.bandcamp.com/album/dead-meat-ii-ep Second single from London based DEAD MEAT, straight out of 77 style KBD Punk Rock sound, 4 tracks. Comes with a badge (approx 5.5cm diameter). The EP was pressed in 300 copies and limited to 25 yellow sleeves. Already sold out on the label. Release year 2021.
DEAD MEAT / (Ⅱ) EP (7"Vinyl Blue Sleeve)
DEAD MEAT / (Ⅱ) EP (7"EP - Blue Sleeve -) No Front Teeth Records ※セール価格です。¥1380→¥980 ロンドンを拠点とするDEAD MEATの2ndシングル。77スタイルのストレートなKBD Punk Rockサウンド、4曲入り。 缶バッチ付き(直径約2.5cm)。 EPは300枚プレスで、青色スリーブは25枚限定。 レーベルでは既に売り切れ。 2021年リリース。 https://deadmeatpunk.bandcamp.com/album/dead-meat-ii-ep Second single from London based DEAD MEAT, straight out of 77 style KBD Punk Rock sound, 4 tracks. Comes with a badge (approx 2.5cm diameter). The EP was pressed in 300 copies and limited to 25 blue sleeves. Already sold out at the label.
TOTAL JERKS / Total Addiction Vol.2 (Vinyl LP - Yellow Sleeve)
TOTAL JERKS / Total Addiction Vol.2 (Vinyl LP - Yellow Sleeve) No Front Teeth Records ※セール価格です。¥2880→¥1580 2012年から活動を続けるインドネシアのバンド、TOTAL JERKSのLP。 2016年作「Life Is Hate」と2018年作「Fear」の2作品のカップリング編集盤。2021年リリース。 Black Flag ミーツ Germsか!?1980年代ウエストコースト・ハードコア・スタイル。 最終入荷。 https://totaljerks80.bandcamp.com/album/fear https://totaljerks80.bandcamp.com/album/life-is-hate LP by Indonesian band TOTAL JERKS, active since 2012. Coupling editions of two albums, 2016's 'Life Is Hate' and 2018's 'Fear'. 2021 release. Black Flag meets Germs? 1980s West Coast hardcore style.
THE DILRODS / Spare The Rod (Vinyl LP)
THE DILRODS / Spare The Rod (Vinyl LP) No Front Teeth Records (UK) 2020/08 Release ワシントンのバンド、THE DILRODSの1stアルバムがロンドンのNo Front Teeth Recordsよりリリース。 77 Punkスタイル + Garage Punk meets Johnny Thunders。9曲収録。 ステッカー付き。 https://thedilrods.bandcamp.com/album/spare-the-rod The first album by Washington band THE DILRODS is released on London's No Front Teeth Records. 77 Punk style + Garage Punk meets Johnny Thunders. 2020 release. Sticker included.