GARAGE PUNK, Oi!, Synth Punk from OVERSEAS
Record, CD, Cassette
◾️Primator Crew (France)
French & US Oi!
・SQUELETTE "Fin de partie" LP
・BETON ARME "Second souffle" EP
・ULTRA RAZZIA "jusqu'au bout de la nuit" LP
・BATTERY MARCH - Futur pour eux EP
・BELGRADO / Intra Apogeum (LP)
・SIAL / Sangkar (7" - Blue Vinyl)
・RAT CAGE / In The Shadow Of The Bomb (7")
・BALTA / Rendszerszintű Agybaszás (7")
■Sealed records (UK)
・Rudimentary Peni / Cacophony (LP)
・Alternative / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP)
・Organized Chaos / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl)
■The Little Jan's Hammer Records (Spain)
・Karoshi / The End Of The Illusion Of Freedom (LP)
・Ultimo resorte / no hay tiempo que perder (LP)
・System of Slaves / Masters of Mankind (LP)
・Dimoni / s/t (LP)
・Hardcoriks Anonims / First Abortion (LP)
・Sentido Comun / 1983/1985 (LP)
・Piorreah / vuelta a empezar (LP)
・THE STALIN / 虫 - 40th Anniversary Edition - (2CD)
■Tranzophobia (France)
・Terror & Miseria / Destruyando y Sembrando(LP)
Anarcho Hardcore from Chile
・JARADA / No Co-Existence with…Jarada(LP)
Hardcore Punk from Israel
・Juggling Jugulars / Who’s Talking ? E.P(7”)
Finnish Punk from Finland
・MV-11 (7”) Hardcore Punk from Japan
Oi! / Punk / Hardcore
・TERRE NEUVE s/t (7")
・RÉSILIENCE s/t (7")
・COLLAPS s/t (7")
・REVERT “Euskal Hardcorra” (12")
・CUERO / PURO ODIO “Morir En Vizcaya” (Split 12")
・NO EXCUSE / You Fuckin' Die (7"EP)
・Grist Gine Vol.4
・NŌ / Punk is a message (10"EP) (JPN)
GUN FEVER - No Easy Way (LP - white/black swirl vinyl) - Limited 500 copies -
GUN FEVER - No Easy Way (LP - white/black swirl vinyl) - Limited 500 copies - Contra Records / Subculture For Life (Germany) 2024/11 Release ギリシャのアテネより、Chain Cult、The Vagabonds 77、My Turn...といった地元シーンのベテランやメンバーで結成された新しいバンド、GUN FEVERの6曲入り1stアルバム。 Punk / HardcoreにダークなPost Punk的サウンドを加味。力強いコーラスに、メロディックながらハードにドライヴするサウンドが刺激的。Criminal Damageのカバーも収録。 歌詞カード付。 ※試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0Gf5P2j2ME GUN FEVER is a new band formed by members of the local scene like Chain Cult, The Vagabonds 77, My Turn... from Athens, Greece. Here's their six tracks' 1st album. Punk / Hardcore with a darker Post Punk sound. Strong choruses and an exciting melodic but hard driving sound. Includes a Cover from sub legendary Criminal Damage. Includes lyric card.
THE SLADS - DEMO / TOUGH TIMES (LP - Blue Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies -
THE SLADS - DEMO / TOUGH TIMES (LP - Blue Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies - Contra Records (Germany) US、フィラデルフィアのペンシルバニアからのOi! / Punk Band、THE SLADS。2023年と2024年にリリースされたカセットテープをカップリングしてアナログ化。各5曲ずつの全10曲。テープは既にSold Out。 ラフでタフな音塊にキャッチーさも兼ね備えたOld School 感もあるOi!サウンド! 歌詞カード付。ブルー・ヴィニールは限定200枚。 ※試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY5dhg8hHsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxvCN9JbJng Oi!/Punk Band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, THE SLADS, released on cassette tapes in 2023 and 2024, coupled and analysed. 10 tracks, 5 tracks each. The tapes are already Sold Out. Rough, tough and catchy with an old school feel! Includes lyric card. Limited edition of 200 copies on blue vinyl.
THE REASON WHY / s/t (LP - dusty green marble vinyl) - Limited 300 copies -
THE REASON WHY / s/t (LP - dusty green marble vinyl) - Limited 300 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2022/07 Release フランス、パリの女性ヴォーカルStraight Edge Hardocore Punk Band、THE REASON WHYの10曲入り1stアルバム。 疾走感に満ち満ちたサウンドに畳み掛けるヴォーカル、Warzone、Chain Of Strength、Enough、Violent Children、Underdogのファンなら気に入ること間違いなし! Hardxtimes, P.M.S, 86 Crew, Angry Vets, Lions Law, Survet Skins, Lush Rush, Value Driven, Outreauのメンバーが在籍。 dusty green marble vinylは300枚限定。歌詞カード付。 Bandcamp https://xtrwx.bandcamp.com/track/rats https://xtrwx.bandcamp.com/track/t-r-w The first 10-track album from THE REASON WHY, a female vocal Hardocore Punk Band from Paris, France. With a fast-paced sound and vocals that fold in, fans of Warzone, Chain Of Strength, Enough, Violent Children and Underdog are sure to love it! The members of Hardxtimes, P.M.S, 86 Crew, Angry Vets, Lions Law, Survet Skins, Lush Rush, Value Driven, Outreau. Limited edition of 300 dusty green marble vinyl copies. Includes lyric card.
LIBERTY & JUSTICE / Pressure (LP - 2nd press / Gold Cover Version) - Limited 500 copies -
LIBERTY & JUSTICE / Pressure (LP - 2nd press / Gold Cover Version) - Limited 500 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2022/06 Release テキサス、ヒューストンのOi! / Punk / Hardcore Band、LIBERTY & JUSTICEの14曲入り2ndアルバム。 伝統的なOi! / Punkのスタイルを踏襲しながら、ハードコアの要素や強力なシンガロングも取り入れ、キャッチーさと重厚さを兼ね備えたサウンド。 2021年にリリースされソールド・アウトだったが、2022年にゴールド・ジャケットで再プレス。 二つ折り歌詞カード付。 Bandcamp https://libertyandjustice.bandcamp.com/album/liberty-and-justice-pressure Second 14-track album from Houston, Texas Oi!/Punk/Hardcore band LIBERTY & JUSTICE. The sound is both catchy and heavy, following the traditional Oi!/Punk style, but also incorporating elements of hardcore and strong singalongs. Released in 2021 and sold out, but re-pressed in 2022 in gold jacket. Includes a fold-out lyric card.
ULTRA SECT / Echoes From the Past (12"MLP - Gold/Blue Pinwheel Vinyl) - Limited 300 copies -
ULTRA SECT / Echoes From the Past (12"MLP - Gold/Blue Pinwheel Vinyl) - Limited 300 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2022/05 Release サンフランシスコのOi! / Punk Band、ULTRA SECTの2枚のEPとVis Viresとのスプリット7"に次ぐ6曲入り12"ミニLP。 90's US Oi!を彷彿とさせる怒りに満ちたミッドテンポのOi! サウンドに絡むパワフルなコーラスが力強い。 Gold/Blue Pinwheel Vinylは300枚限定。歌詞カード付。 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93wxcT67m6E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCEYyUYRYZ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq8i0-rGchw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MgGM_KcsVw Six-track 12" mini-LP from San Francisco Oi!/Punk band ULTRA SECT, following two EPs and a split 7" with Vis Vires. Powerful choruses intertwine with angry mid-tempo Oi! sounds reminiscent of 90's US Oi! Gold/Blue Pinwheel Vinyl limited to 300 copies. Includes lyric card.
SKINSECTS / Euer Wille! (LP - 2nd press / drunken blue vinyl) - Limited 100 copies -
SKINSECTS / Euer Wille! (LP - 2nd press / drunken blue vinyl) - Limited 100 copies - Subculture for Life (Germany) 2022/05 Release 90's German Oi! サウンドを奏でるSKINSECTS! 速攻で完売した「Es Regnet Hass Demotape」(2020/07 Release)と「Manchmal Tut Es Weh」(2020/11 Release)の2本のカセットをアナログLP化した本作。2021年にリリースされ、既にソールド・アウト状態だったが、2022年になってようやく2ndプレスが登場! ドイツのContra Recordsの姉妹レーベル、Subculture for Lifeからのリリース。 drunken blue vinylは限定100枚。16曲入り。 歌詞カード・インサート封入。 Bandcamp https://skinsectsoi.bandcamp.com/album/euer-wille SKINSECTS with a 90's German Oi! sound! This is an analogue LP of two cassettes, "Es Regnet Hass Demotape" (released in 2020/07) and "Manchmal Tut Es Weh" (released in 2020/11), which were already sold out. Now, in 2022, the second pressing is finally here! Released on Germany's Contra Records sister label Subculture for Life. Limited edition of 100 drunken blue vinyl copies, 16 tracks with lyrics card.
DOG COMPANY / From Chosen Sides To Battle Lines(LP - dirty yellow vinyl EU Contra version) - Limited 200 copies -
DOG COMPANY / From Chosen Sides To Battle Lines (LP - dirty yellow vinyl EU Contra version) - Limited 200 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2021/12 Release テキサス、ダラスのベテランOi! / Punk Band、DOG COMPANYの5thアルバム。 元Staggers / Riot Squadのメンバーらから成るバンド、メロディック・ポリティカル・パンク・アンセムがギッシリ詰まったミドル・テンポのWorking Class Songs、全12曲! ダーティー・イエロー・ヴィニールは限定200枚。 歌詞カード・インサート封入。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNWt5rv5by8 This is the fifth album by Dog Company, a veteran Oi! / Punk Band from Dallas, Texas. 12 mid-tempo Working Class Songs packed with melodic political punk anthems from the former Staggers / Riot Squad members! Dirty Yellow Vinyl is limited to 200 copies. It includes a lyric card insert.
THE YOUNG ONES / Stanley Boulevard (LP) - Limited 600 copies -
THE YOUNG ONES / Stanley Boulevard (LP) - Limited 600 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2021/12 Release オランダのベテランOi! / Punk Band、THE YOUNG ONESの2006年以来の3rdアルバム、アナログ盤LP(間にミニ・アルバム挟む)。 今作も期待外れ全く無しのCockney Rejects 〜 UK 80’s Oi!スタイル全開の全10曲収録。 600枚限定。歌詞カード・インサート封入。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qwYGscrqos Third album and analogue LP (with a mini-album in between) from veteran Dutch Oi!/punk band THE YOUNG ONES, their first since 2006. This album does not disappoint at all, with a total of 10 tracks in the Cockney Rejects - UK 80's Oi! style. Limited edition of 600 copies. Enclosed lyric card/insert.
AGGRESSIVE / Unbreakable (LP) - Limited 500 copies -
AGGRESSIVE / Unbreakable (LP - Gatefold Sleeve) - Limited 500 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2021/10 Release ドイツ、RuhrpottのOi! / Street Punk Band、AGGRESSIVEの3rdアルバム、アナログ盤LP。全14曲収録。 前作よりもVo.の表現力がアップし、よりワイルドにドスの効いた声が響き渡り、シンガロングが冴えまくる。 二つ折りゲートフォールド・ジャケット。限定500枚。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCdhX-r988g&t=229s Third album by AGGRESSIVE, Oi!/ Street Punk Band from Ruhrpott, Germany, with 14 tracks. The Vo. is more expressive than on the previous album, with a wilder, dossier voice and more brilliant singalongs. Double-fold gatefold jacket. Limited edition of 500 copies.
DRINKING SQUAD / You'll Never Drink Alone (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies -
DRINKING SQUAD / You'll Never Drink Alone (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies - Contra Records (Germany) 2021/08 Release ドイツのLahr/Freiburg出身、2013年結成のMelodic Oi! / Street Punk Band、DRINKING SQUADの単独作としては2ndとなる7"シングル、4曲入り。 どこか哀愁を感じさせるかのようなメロディアスなギターが印象的。サビのキャッチーさも秀逸。 300枚限定。歌詞カード・インサート封入。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6ar7iG5RTM Second 7" single, 4 tracks, by Melodic Oi!/Street Punk Band DRINKING SQUAD from Lahr/Freiburg, Germany, formed in 2013, and is their second solo release. The melodic guitars are impressive, with a hint of melancholy. The catchy chorus is also excellent. Limited edition of 300 copies. Includes lyric card and insert.