GARAGE PUNK, Oi!, Synth Punk from OVERSEAS
Record, CD, Cassette
◾️Primator Crew (France)
French & US Oi!
・SQUELETTE "Fin de partie" LP
・BETON ARME "Second souffle" EP
・ULTRA RAZZIA "jusqu'au bout de la nuit" LP
・BATTERY MARCH - Futur pour eux EP
・BELGRADO / Intra Apogeum (LP)
・SIAL / Sangkar (7" - Blue Vinyl)
・RAT CAGE / In The Shadow Of The Bomb (7")
・BALTA / Rendszerszintű Agybaszás (7")
■Sealed records (UK)
・Rudimentary Peni / Cacophony (LP)
・Alternative / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP)
・Organized Chaos / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl)
■The Little Jan's Hammer Records (Spain)
・Karoshi / The End Of The Illusion Of Freedom (LP)
・Ultimo resorte / no hay tiempo que perder (LP)
・System of Slaves / Masters of Mankind (LP)
・Dimoni / s/t (LP)
・Hardcoriks Anonims / First Abortion (LP)
・Sentido Comun / 1983/1985 (LP)
・Piorreah / vuelta a empezar (LP)
・THE STALIN / 虫 - 40th Anniversary Edition - (2CD)
■Tranzophobia (France)
・Terror & Miseria / Destruyando y Sembrando(LP)
Anarcho Hardcore from Chile
・JARADA / No Co-Existence with…Jarada(LP)
Hardcore Punk from Israel
・Juggling Jugulars / Who’s Talking ? E.P(7”)
Finnish Punk from Finland
・MV-11 (7”) Hardcore Punk from Japan
Oi! / Punk / Hardcore
・TERRE NEUVE s/t (7")
・RÉSILIENCE s/t (7")
・COLLAPS s/t (7")
・REVERT “Euskal Hardcorra” (12")
・CUERO / PURO ODIO “Morir En Vizcaya” (Split 12")
・NO EXCUSE / You Fuckin' Die (7"EP)
・Grist Gine Vol.4
・NŌ / Punk is a message (10"EP) (JPN)
Sex Virgin Killer - Visual Shock Noise (Cassette Tape - 2nd Press) - Limited 100 copies -
Sex Virgin Killer - Visual Shock Noise (Cassette Tape - 2nd Press) - Limited 100 copies - lilii sound loom (Japan) 2024/11 Release 2023年にメタルパンク・ジャパニーズハードコアにゴスのフレーバーをも漂う2nd Full Album 「DEVIL」をリリースし、2024年にはダークウェイヴセットでの初作品EP「Heaven」をリリース。 以降、ゴス・ダークウェイヴバンドとしても世界的に認知度を高めているSex Virgin Killerの次なる歩みは未知の交配だった。 今作の1曲目となるリード・ソングには、SVKの代表曲の一つ"Virgin Killer"を新たに再録しVisual Shock Noise Versionとして再構築。 ヴィジュアル系とノイズという相反する音楽を掛け合わせ、楽曲全体を通して融合、他に類を見ない新しいサウンドを提示している。 2曲目には「DEVIL」より"Glimpse"を収録。 この曲においてもSVKの持つヴィジュアル系要素とノイズを交配させ、独自の音像を獲得。 どちらもノイズの演奏はSVKの首謀者である"Lilii Mar a.k.a masa"自身によるもの。 ミックスとマスタリングは、これまでにも多くの異端アーティストのミックスを手掛け、日本のロック/ラウドシーンの名エンジニアとしても名高い原浩一が担当。 今作は彼の手腕により新たな音楽ジャンル、フォーマットとしての説得力を更に強固なものとした。 当初、ヴィジュアル系をコンセプトに結成されたSVKがノイズ・ミュージックを奏で、その存在をもって自身の楽曲世界と交配することにより、 バンドの歴史を経由/内包した“ヴィジュアル・ショック・ノイズ”という新たな音楽が誕生。 この作品に触れた時、あなたは歴史の証人となる。 (バンド・インフォメーションより) -Track List- Side A : Virgin Killer (Visual Shock Noise Version) Side B : Glimpse All Songs Written & Produced by Sex Virgin Killer Recorded & Engineered by lilii Mixed & Mastered by Koichi Hara Photography by Barbara Mask Created by Yuichiro Tamaki Design & layout of the cassette tape by Andro Kristian 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQV24TTlsJI In 2023, they released their second full album ‘DEVIL’, a metal punk Japanese hardcore with a hint of goth flavour as well, and in 2024 they released their first EP ‘Heaven’, their first work in the darkwave set. Since then, Sex Virgin Killer's next step as a goth darkwave band, which is also gaining recognition worldwide, was an unknown crossbreeding. The lead song on this album is a re-recorded version of one of SVK's best-known songs, ‘Virgin Killer’, reworked as a Visual Shock Noise Version. The song crosses the opposites of visual-kei and noise music and fuses them together throughout the song, presenting a new sound that is unparalleled. The second track is ‘Glimpse’ from ‘DEVIL’. This track also crosses the visual-kei elements of SVK with noise, and achieves a unique sound image. The noise on both tracks is performed by SVK mastermind Lilii Mar a.k.a masa himself. The mixing and mastering was done by Koichi Hara, a renowned engineer in the Japanese rock/loud scene who has mixed many unorthodox artists. His skills have further strengthened the persuasive power of this album as a new music genre and format. SVK, which was initially formed under the concept of Visual-kei, plays noise music and cross-fertilises its own musical world with its presence, A new type of music called ‘Visual Shock Noise’ was born, which contains the band's history. When you touch this work, you become a witness to history.
Sex Virgin Killer / Heaven (Cassette Tape) - Limited 150 copies -
Sex Virgin Killer / Heaven (Cassette Tape) - Limited 150 copies - lilii sound loom (Japan) 2024/01/28 Release 2023年11月に待望の2nd Full Album「DEVIL」をリリースしたSex Virgin Killerが、 記念すべき-Darkwave set-での初の作品となる新作EP「Heaven」を早くもリリース! 2023年のBlu Anxxety(from NYC)との東名阪ツアーも記憶に新しいSVKは、 その後もAidan Baker(NADJA - from Germany)や、Un Hombre Solo(from NYC)(※SVKのコンポーザー/DNAでもあるLilii Mar a.k.a masaのソロ名義Lilii Marで共演)等、来日アーティスト勢との交流が加速し、国内のみならず海外の異才ミュージシャン・バンドからもその動向が注目される存在となっている。 今作はInstrumentalを含む全6曲収録。 リード・ソング2曲の内の1曲は、Lilii Marのデビュー・シングル「Angel」のSVK version。幽玄な音像の中に浮かび上がる至高の泣きのメロディが心の奥深く、琴線へと触れていく耽美な名曲。 そしてDarkwaveアレンジとして生まれ変わった「Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights)」は、Darkwaveアプローチによって音の関係性、曲が本来持つ美しい構造が露となり、新たな魅力を獲得/提示。ダークな世界とキャッチーさを共存させた楽曲はゴス・ウェイヴの新時代の幕開けをも予感させる。 ミックスは名匠・君島結(Tsubame Studio)、マスタリングは中村宗一郎(Peace Music)が担当。 Cover art, design & layoutはAndro Kristianによるもの。 ポストパンク・ゴス・ダークウェイヴシーンのみならず世界の音楽シーンへ羽ばたく珠玉の作品。 -Track List- [Side A] 1. Introduction 2. Angel 3. Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights) [Side B] 1. Angel (ver. Heaven) 2. Angel (Insturmental) 3. Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights / Insturmental) --------- [作品クレジット] Aisha - Vocals Lilii Mar a.k.a masa - Synthesizers & Guitars, Composer Hammer - Drums, Percussion & Electronics Music by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa Words by Aisha & Lilii Mar a.k.a masa All Songs Written & Produced by Sex Virgin Killer Mixed by Yui Kimijima (Tsubame Studio) Recorded & Engineered by lilii at lilii sound loom, Sonic Band Studio Mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music) Cover art, design & layout by Andro Kristian lilii-010 Angel is the debut single song by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa, a founding member of SVK. This song is a self-cover of SVK version. 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01vUL13v6M8 Sex Virgin Killer released their long-awaited 2nd Full Album 'DEVIL' in November 2023, The new EP 'Heaven', their first work with the memorable -Darkwave set-, was already released! SVK's tour of Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka with Blu Anxxety (from NYC) in 2023 is still fresh in the memory, SVK's tour with Blu Anxxety (from NYC) in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka in 2023 is still fresh in our minds, and the exchange with visiting artists such as Aidan Baker (NADJA - from Germany) and Un Hombre Solo (from NYC) (co-starring under Lilii Mar : SVK composer and DNA Lilii Mar a.k.a masa's solo name ) has accelerated since then, The band has been attracting attention from talented musicians and bands not only in Japan but also overseas. This album contains a total of six tracks, including instrumentals. One of the two lead songs is the SVK version of Lilii Mar's debut single 'Angel', an aesthetic masterpiece with a supreme crying melody that emerges from the ethereal soundscape and touches the heartstrings deep within. The Darkwave arrangement of 'Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights)' reveals the relationship between the sounds and the inherently beautiful structure of the song, and presents a new appeal. The song's coexistence of a dark world and catchiness foreshadows the dawn of a new era in goth-wave. Mixed by master artist Yui Kimishima (Tsubame Studio) and mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music). Cover art, design & layout by Andro Kristian. A gem of a work that will spread its wings not only in the post-punk, goth and darkwave scene, but also in the world music scene.
Sex Virgin Killer - DEVIL (Cassette Tape) - Limited 199 copies -
Sex Virgin Killer - DEVIL (Cassette Tape) - Limited 199 copies - lilii sound loom (Japan) Devilー新しい悪魔の契り 美しきジャパニーズメタルパンクの新たな象徴、Sex Virgin Killerの2nd Full Album 『DEVIL』遂に完成! ジャパニーズハードコア、メタルパンク、ゴシック、デスロック、ダークウェイヴ、ヴィジュアル系、ノイズに加え、SVKのDNAでもあるLilii Mar aka masaの「泣きの旋律」が散りばめられたシングル・リード曲5曲を含む全11曲入り! 2018年に一度は活動を停止したものの、2021年に首謀者"Lilii Mar aka masa"を中心にカムバックを果たしたSVK。 ヴィジュアルショック メタルとして2018年までに確立されたアイコニックな姿を自ら破壊し、あらゆるシーンのサウンドや才能を飲み込むことで、新しく変貌を遂げたその集大成がここにある。それはまさに、新しい「悪魔」との契りを交わし、より美しく、より凶暴な身体を手に入れた魔物だ。SVK再始動後のメインボーカル、Aishaが魔物の狂声を自由自在に司る。 新生SVKはバンドとしての在り方としても、サウンド、アート、ヴィジュアルにおいて異才アーティストの面々を巻き込んだ一つのプロジェクトとして息づく。 今作はセルフレコーディングにて制作され、ミックスではLilii Mar自身の他、SVK過去作でサウンドプロデュース等も務めたAtsuo(Boris)、名エンジニアとして知られる原浩一、オルタナティヴな質感で定評のある君島結(TSUBAME STUDIO)が参加。マスタリングは中村宗一郎(Peace Music)が担当し、既発曲についてもリマスタリングされ新たな音像で収録されている。 カバーアートは、前作アルバムVAZINISMも手がけた世界的コラージュ・アーティスト河村康輔による作品。彼の手により、SVKはこれまでの赤く亢奮した獣のようなイメージから一点し、銀色の聖獣へと生まれ変わった。Keigo Kurematsuによるデザイン/レイアウトが、蔦のように珠玉の歌詞を連ねる。 Sex Virgin Killer 「DEVIL」 -Track List- Side A. 1. Sanctuary 2. Devil 3. Fear 4. Danse Macabre 5. Rebirth Side B. 6. The Dawn We Disappeared 7. Bright Nightmare 8. Mirror 9. Glimpse 10. The Lights Will Fall 11. Misty Shadow [作品クレジット] Sex Virgin Killer Aisha - Vocals Lilii Mar a.k.a masa - Vocals, Guitars & Composer, Noise performance Supporting Members: Knk - Bass Hammer - Drums, Percussion & Electronics Music by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa Words by Aisha & Lilii Mar a.k.a masa All Songs Written & Produced by Sex Virgin Killer Mixed: Track 1, 9 by Koichi Hara Track 2, 8 by Atsuo (Boris) Track 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 by lilii (lilii sound loom) Track 4 by Yui Kimijima (Tsubame Studio) Recorded & Engineered by lilii at lilii sound loom, Sonic Band Studio, Studio Noah, Studio Life Mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music) Mask created by Yuichiro Tamaki Photography by CHIHIRO YOSHIKAWA Photography by Barbara Cover art by Kosuke Kawamura Layout & Design by Keigo Kurematsu lilii-009 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Wf_pgtwzk Devil - a new devil's bond The new symbol of beautiful Japanese metal punk, Sex Virgin Killer's 2nd Full Album "DEVIL" is finally completed! The album contains a total of 11 tracks, including 5 single lead tracks, with Japanese hardcore, metal punk, gothic, death rock, darkwave, visual sound, noise and the 'crying melody' of Lilii Mar aka masa, which is also SVK's DNA, scattered throughout! SVK stopped their activities in 2018, but made a comeback in 2021, led by mastermind 'Lilii Mar aka masa'. Here is the culmination of their new transformation, destroying the iconic form established by 2018 as visual shock metal themselves and swallowing up sounds and talents from all scenes. It is truly a demon that has bonded with a new 'demon' and taken on a more beautiful and more ferocious body, with Aisha, the main vocalist of the post SVK relaunch, freely controlling the demon's maniacal voice. The new SVK is a band in its own right, but also a project that brings together a diverse array of artists in terms of sound, art and visuals. The album was self-recorded and mixed by Lilii Mar herself, Atsuo (Boris), who also produced the sound for SVK's previous albums, Koichi Hara, known as a master engineer, and Yu Kimijima (TSUBAME STUDIO), who is renowned for his alternative textures. Mastering was done by Nakamura Soichiro (Peace Music), and previously released tracks were remastered and recorded with a new sound image. The cover art is by world-renowned collage artist Kosuke Kawamura, who also worked on the previous VAZINISM album. The design/layout by Keigo Kurematsu is a series of ivy-like lyrics.