
Sex Virgin Killer / Heaven (Cassette Tape) - Limited 150 copies -

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Sex Virgin Killer / Heaven (Cassette Tape) - Limited 150 copies -
lilii sound loom (Japan) 2024/01/28 Release

2023年11月に待望の2nd Full Album「DEVIL」をリリースしたSex Virgin Killerが、
記念すべき-Darkwave set-での初の作品となる新作EP「Heaven」を早くもリリース!

2023年のBlu Anxxety(from NYC)との東名阪ツアーも記憶に新しいSVKは、
その後もAidan Baker(NADJA - from Germany)や、Un Hombre Solo(from NYC)(※SVKのコンポーザー/DNAでもあるLilii Mar a.k.a masaのソロ名義Lilii Marで共演)等、来日アーティスト勢との交流が加速し、国内のみならず海外の異才ミュージシャン・バンドからもその動向が注目される存在となっている。

リード・ソング2曲の内の1曲は、Lilii Marのデビュー・シングル「Angel」のSVK version。幽玄な音像の中に浮かび上がる至高の泣きのメロディが心の奥深く、琴線へと触れていく耽美な名曲。

そしてDarkwaveアレンジとして生まれ変わった「Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights)」は、Darkwaveアプローチによって音の関係性、曲が本来持つ美しい構造が露となり、新たな魅力を獲得/提示。ダークな世界とキャッチーさを共存させた楽曲はゴス・ウェイヴの新時代の幕開けをも予感させる。

ミックスは名匠・君島結(Tsubame Studio)、マスタリングは中村宗一郎(Peace Music)が担当。
Cover art, design & layoutはAndro Kristianによるもの。


-Track List-

[Side A]
1. Introduction 2. Angel 3. Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights)

[Side B]
1. Angel (ver. Heaven) 2. Angel (Insturmental) 3. Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights / Insturmental)



Aisha - Vocals
Lilii Mar a.k.a masa - Synthesizers & Guitars, Composer
Hammer - Drums, Percussion & Electronics

Music by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa
Words by Aisha & Lilii Mar a.k.a masa
All Songs Written & Produced by Sex Virgin Killer

Mixed by Yui Kimijima (Tsubame Studio)
Recorded & Engineered by lilii at lilii sound loom, Sonic Band Studio
Mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music)

Cover art, design & layout by Andro Kristian


Angel is the debut single song by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa, a founding member of SVK. This song is a self-cover of SVK version.


Sex Virgin Killer released their long-awaited 2nd Full Album 'DEVIL' in November 2023,
The new EP 'Heaven', their first work with the memorable -Darkwave set-, was already released!

SVK's tour of Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka with Blu Anxxety (from NYC) in 2023 is still fresh in the memory,
SVK's tour with Blu Anxxety (from NYC) in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka in 2023 is still fresh in our minds, and the exchange with visiting artists such as Aidan Baker (NADJA - from Germany) and Un Hombre Solo (from NYC) (co-starring under Lilii Mar : SVK composer and DNA Lilii Mar a.k.a masa's solo name ) has accelerated since then, The band has been attracting attention from talented musicians and bands not only in Japan but also overseas.

This album contains a total of six tracks, including instrumentals.
One of the two lead songs is the SVK version of Lilii Mar's debut single 'Angel', an aesthetic masterpiece with a supreme crying melody that emerges from the ethereal soundscape and touches the heartstrings deep within.

The Darkwave arrangement of 'Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights)' reveals the relationship between the sounds and the inherently beautiful structure of the song, and presents a new appeal. The song's coexistence of a dark world and catchiness foreshadows the dawn of a new era in goth-wave.

Mixed by master artist Yui Kimishima (Tsubame Studio) and mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music).
Cover art, design & layout by Andro Kristian.

A gem of a work that will spread its wings not only in the post-punk, goth and darkwave scene, but also in the world music scene.

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¥1,980 税込
