GARAGE PUNK, Oi!, Synth Punk from OVERSEAS
Record, CD, Cassette
◾️Primator Crew (France)
French & US Oi!
・SQUELETTE "Fin de partie" LP
・BETON ARME "Second souffle" EP
・ULTRA RAZZIA "jusqu'au bout de la nuit" LP
・BATTERY MARCH - Futur pour eux EP
・BELGRADO / Intra Apogeum (LP)
・SIAL / Sangkar (7" - Blue Vinyl)
・RAT CAGE / In The Shadow Of The Bomb (7")
・BALTA / Rendszerszintű Agybaszás (7")
■Sealed records (UK)
・Rudimentary Peni / Cacophony (LP)
・Alternative / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP)
・Organized Chaos / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl)
■The Little Jan's Hammer Records (Spain)
・Karoshi / The End Of The Illusion Of Freedom (LP)
・Ultimo resorte / no hay tiempo que perder (LP)
・System of Slaves / Masters of Mankind (LP)
・Dimoni / s/t (LP)
・Hardcoriks Anonims / First Abortion (LP)
・Sentido Comun / 1983/1985 (LP)
・Piorreah / vuelta a empezar (LP)
・THE STALIN / 虫 - 40th Anniversary Edition - (2CD)
■Tranzophobia (France)
・Terror & Miseria / Destruyando y Sembrando(LP)
Anarcho Hardcore from Chile
・JARADA / No Co-Existence with…Jarada(LP)
Hardcore Punk from Israel
・Juggling Jugulars / Who’s Talking ? E.P(7”)
Finnish Punk from Finland
・MV-11 (7”) Hardcore Punk from Japan
Oi! / Punk / Hardcore
・TERRE NEUVE s/t (7")
・RÉSILIENCE s/t (7")
・COLLAPS s/t (7")
・REVERT “Euskal Hardcorra” (12")
・CUERO / PURO ODIO “Morir En Vizcaya” (Split 12")
・NO EXCUSE / You Fuckin' Die (7"EP)
・Grist Gine Vol.4
・NŌ / Punk is a message (10"EP) (JPN)
RUDIMENTARY PENI / Cacophony (LP) Sealed records (UK) 2023/01 Release UK Anarcho Punk Band、RUDIMENTARY PENIの1988年リリースの2ndアルバムがSealed Recordsよりアナログ盤再発! 怪奇・幻想小説の王者、H.P.ラヴクラフトの人生と著作に基づいて構成されたアルバム、全30曲! 濃密な不協和音、ダークでゴシックで複雑なサウンド。スポークン・ワード的なヴォーカル、歪んだぎこちないトーンのギター、そして独創的なベースとドラムが一体となり、真にユニークなアルバムとなった。 11インチ×11インチの8ページ歌詞ブックレット付。 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL-sX36SJvc UK Anarcho Punk Band RUDIMENTARY PENI's second album, released in 1988, is reissued on analogue vinyl by Sealed Records! An album based on the life and writings of H.P. Lovecraft, the king of weird and fantastic fiction, 30 tracks in total! Dense, dissonant, dark, gothic and complex sounds. Spoken-word vocals, distorted and awkwardly toned guitars, and inventive bass and drums come together to create a truly unique album. Includes an 11" x 11" 8-page lyrics booklet.
ALTERNATIVE / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP)
ALTERNATIVE / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP) Sealed Records (UK) 2023/01 Release 1985年にCorpus Christi RecordsからリリースされたスコットランドのAnarcho Punk Band、Alternativeのアルバム『If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure』がSealed Recordsから再リリース! CrassのPete Wrightが共同プロデュース、オリジナル・テープからのリマスター。 効果的なサンプル、挑発的な男女ツイン・ヴォーカルによるメロディックなプロテスト・ソング、80年代半ばのUKアナーコ・パンクの名盤の一つ。 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-wiohM1h70 If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure, an album by Scottish Anarcho Punk Band Alternative, originally released on Corpus Christi Records in 1985, has been re-released on Sealed Records! Co-produced by Pete Wright of Crass and remastered from the original tapes. Melodic protest songs with effective samples and provocative twin male and female vocals, one of the great UK anarcho-punk albums of the mid-80s.
ORGANIZED CHAOS / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl)
ORGANIZED CHAOS / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl) Sealed Records (UK) 2022/11 Release UK82の伝説、Noise Hardcore / Drunk Punk Band、ORGANIZED CHAOSの初アルバムがリリース! 1981年と1982年のデモ音源に、7"コンピレーション「Wessex 82」、Riot CityのコンピレーションLP「The Riotous Assembly」からの音源、全18曲を収録。 Chaos UKやDisorderを彷彿とさせる、80年代初頭のUK Hardcoreの息吹を感じる必聴音源! 24ページ・ブックレット付。 試聴はこちら(Bandcamp) https://sealedrecords2.bandcamp.com/album/still-having-fun The first album by UK 82 legends Noise Hardcore / Drunk Punk Band ORGANIZED CHAOS is released! The album features a total of 18 tracks, including demos from 1981 and 1982, material from the 7" compilation 'Wessex 82' and Riot City's compilation LP 'The Riotous Assembly'. Reminiscent of Chaos UK and Disorder, this is a must-hear source of early 80s UK Hardcore! Includes 24-page booklet.
TOXIC WASTE / Belfast (12"LP)
TOXIC WASTE / Belfast (12"LP) Sealed Records / 2021/07 Release CRASSに強い影響を受け、北アイルランドのベルファストを中心に活動していたTOXIC WASTE。1987年にBelfast Recordsから発売された編集盤LPが遂にSealed Recordsより再発。 STALAG 17とのスプリット12"収録曲や当時の新録、再録曲などの全11曲収録。歌詞カード・インサート付。 男女の掛け合いヴォーカルが響くアグレッシヴな Anarcho-Punk サウンド。 https://sealedrecords2.bandcamp.com/album/belfast TOXIC WASTE, strongly influenced by CRASS and based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, finally reissued by Sealed Records on an edited LP originally released on Belfast Records in 1987. Features a total of 11 tracks, including a split 12" with STALAG 17, as well as new and re-recorded tracks from that era. Includes lyric card and insert. Aggressive Anarcho-Punk sound with male-female vocal interplay.