GARAGE PUNK, Oi!, Synth Punk from OVERSEAS
Record, CD, Cassette
◾️Primator Crew (France)
French & US Oi!
・SQUELETTE "Fin de partie" LP
・BETON ARME "Second souffle" EP
・ULTRA RAZZIA "jusqu'au bout de la nuit" LP
・BATTERY MARCH - Futur pour eux EP
・BELGRADO / Intra Apogeum (LP)
・SIAL / Sangkar (7" - Blue Vinyl)
・RAT CAGE / In The Shadow Of The Bomb (7")
・BALTA / Rendszerszintű Agybaszás (7")
■Sealed records (UK)
・Rudimentary Peni / Cacophony (LP)
・Alternative / If They Treat You Like Shit - Act Like Manure (LP)
・Organized Chaos / Still Having Fun (LP - White Vinyl)
■The Little Jan's Hammer Records (Spain)
・Karoshi / The End Of The Illusion Of Freedom (LP)
・Ultimo resorte / no hay tiempo que perder (LP)
・System of Slaves / Masters of Mankind (LP)
・Dimoni / s/t (LP)
・Hardcoriks Anonims / First Abortion (LP)
・Sentido Comun / 1983/1985 (LP)
・Piorreah / vuelta a empezar (LP)
・THE STALIN / 虫 - 40th Anniversary Edition - (2CD)
■Tranzophobia (France)
・Terror & Miseria / Destruyando y Sembrando(LP)
Anarcho Hardcore from Chile
・JARADA / No Co-Existence with…Jarada(LP)
Hardcore Punk from Israel
・Juggling Jugulars / Who’s Talking ? E.P(7”)
Finnish Punk from Finland
・MV-11 (7”) Hardcore Punk from Japan
Oi! / Punk / Hardcore
・TERRE NEUVE s/t (7")
・RÉSILIENCE s/t (7")
・COLLAPS s/t (7")
・REVERT “Euskal Hardcorra” (12")
・CUERO / PURO ODIO “Morir En Vizcaya” (Split 12")
・NO EXCUSE / You Fuckin' Die (7"EP)
・Grist Gine Vol.4
・NŌ / Punk is a message (10"EP) (JPN)
SYMPOS - Hard as Nails Punts (7"EP)
SYMPOS - Hard as Nails Punts (7"EP) Primator Crew (France) / Tough Ain't Enogh (Spain) / Distro-Y Records (Ireland) 2023/09 Release アイルランドのOi! / Punk Band、SYMPOSの2ndシングル。 ややダークトーンのラモーンズの影響を感じさせる曲でスタート!緩急自在のOi!/Punkサウンド炸裂!4曲収録。 歌詞カード封入。 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlGjqB30ak8 Second single from Irish Oi!/Punk band SYMPOS. Starts with a slightly dark-toned Ramones-influenced track! The band's sound is a slow and steady Oi!/Punk explosion. 4 tracks. Includes 4 tracks, lyric card enclosed.
TEENAGE HEARTS - Didn't get invited (LP) - Limited 500 copies -
TEENAGE HEARTS - Didn't get invited (LP) - Limited 500 copies - Primator Crew (France) / Tough Ain't Enough (Spain) / Insurgence (US) 2023/09 Release フランス、ナンテの77 Punk / Oi! Band、TEENAGE HEARTSのデモカセット2本、7"、ミニアルバムに次ぐ待望の1stアルバム、11曲収録!Janitors、Daltonz、Puissance Cubeのメンバー在籍。 まさに77、KBD、初期Oi!スタイルを融合して現在に甦らせるストレートなサウンド!Sham69の「I Don't Wanna」のカバーも収録! 歌詞カード、ステッカー付。 試聴はこちら(Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGsbcrUzf8Y The long-awaited first album, following two demo cassettes, a 7" and a mini-album, from 77 Punk / Oi! A fusion of 77, KBD and early Oi! styles, with a straight-forward sound brought back to the present! Includes lyric card and sticker.
FEARLESS VETERANS // OFENSIVA - Split (7"EP) Limited 500 copies -
FEARLESS VETERANS // OFENSIVA - Split (7"EP) Limited 500 copies - Tough Ain't Enough Records (Spain) 2022/11 Release スペイン、マドリッドのFEARLESS VETERANSとカタルーニャのOFENSIVAのスプリット7"。各バンド2曲づつの計4曲収録。 FEARLESS VETERANSは2018年結成。2021年リリースの1stシングルに次ぐ2作目。シャープでキレのあるRock’n'Roll Oi!。 OFENSIVAは2020年の1st7"と2作のスプリットに次ぐ4作目。無骨でストレートなPunk / Oi!サウンドを叩きつける。 試聴はこちら(Bandcamp) https://taerecords.bandcamp.com/album/fearless-veterans-ofensiva-split-ep Split 7" by FEARLESS VETERANS from Madrid, Spain and OFENSIVA from Catalonia. Contains four tracks, two from each band. FEARLESS VETERANS formed in 2018; this is their second release, following the first single released in 2021. Sharp and sharp Rock'n'Roll Oi! OFENSIVA's fourth release, following the first 7" in 2020 and two splits in 2021 and 2022. It hits with a rugged, straight-forward Punk / Oi! sound.
HOTZA / s/t (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies -
HOTZA / s/t (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies - Tough Ain't Enough Records (Spain) 2022/11 Release スペインのバスク地方、BilbaoのPunk / Oi! Band、HOTZAのデビュー・シングル。 4 SKINSの「Evil」のカバーを含む全4曲。BlessureやGolpe de Graciaのメンバーを含むバンドで、バスク語が独特の響きを放つ。 試聴はこちら(Bandcamp) https://taerecords.bandcamp.com/album/hotza-s-t-ep Debut single by HOTZA, a Punk / Oi! band from Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Four tracks, including a cover of 4 SKINS' 'Evil', the band includes members of Blessure and Golpe de Gracia, and the Basque language has a distinctive sound.
KALEKO URDANGAK / Gasteiz 1200 Defentsa Amaigabea (片面7"EP) - Limited 450 copies -
KALEKO URDANGAK / Gasteiz 1200 Defentsa Amaigabea (片面7"EP) - Limited 450 copies - Tough Ain't Enough Records (Spain) 2022/11 Release スペイン、BergaraのSkinhead Oi! Band、KALEKO URDANGAKのニュー・シングル。 1199年から1200年にかけて、カスティーリャ王国の軍隊の攻撃から街を守るために、バスク州の州都ビトリア(ガステイス)の人々が9ヶ月間に渡って行った防衛を扱った楽曲。 当時のガステイスの人々の勇敢な行動、強い意志を表すかのような力強いサウンド、団結を象徴する強力なシンガロング、流れるようなメロディーに圧倒される! 試聴はこちら(Bandcamp) https://taerecords.bandcamp.com/album/kaleko-urdangak-gasteiz-1200-defentsa-amaigabea-ep New single by KALEKO URDANGAK, Skinhead Oi! Band from Bergara, Spain. The song deals with the nine-month-long defence of the people of Vitoria (Gasteiz), the capital of the Basque Country, by the people of the city of Vitoria (Gasteiz), between 1199 and 1200, in order to defend their city against the attacks of the armies of the Kingdom of Castile. The bravery of the people of Gasteiz at that time, the powerful sound that seems to represent their strong will, the powerful singalongs that symbolise unity, the flowing melodies are overwhelming!
TASSOTTIS / Nada (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies -
TASSOTTIS / Nada (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies - Tough Ain't Enough Records (Spain) 2022/11 Release スペインのAlbaceteño出身のPunk / Oi! Band、TASSOTTISの4曲入り2nd7"EP。 ややダークな雰囲気で、スペインらしい哀愁味をサウンドが特徴。 試聴はこちら(Bandcamp) https://taerecords.bandcamp.com/album/tassottis-nada- Second 7" EP with 4 tracks by TASSOTTIS, a Punk / Oi! Band from Albaceteño, Spain. It features a slightly dark atmosphere and a melancholy sound typical of Spain.
AN SLUA / How Ya Gettin' On? (7"EP) - Limited 500 copies -
AN SLUA / How Ya Gettin' On? (7"EP) - Limited 500 copies - Tough Ain't Enough Records (Spain) 2022/11 Release アイルランドのPunk / Oi! Band、AN SLUAの4曲入り1st7"。 見事なOld School Oi!サウンド!ミドル・テンポでシンガロングの嵐。 試聴はこちら(Bandcamp) https://taerecords.bandcamp.com/album/an-slua-how-ya-gettin-on-ep The first 7" with 4 tracks from Irish Punk / Oi! Band AN SLUA. Stunning Old School Oi! sound! Mid-tempo and a storm of singalongs.