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Sex Virgin Killer - DEVIL (Cassette Tape) - Limited 199 copies -
lilii sound loom (Japan)
美しきジャパニーズメタルパンクの新たな象徴、Sex Virgin Killerの2nd Full Album 『DEVIL』遂に完成!
ジャパニーズハードコア、メタルパンク、ゴシック、デスロック、ダークウェイヴ、ヴィジュアル系、ノイズに加え、SVKのDNAでもあるLilii Mar aka masaの「泣きの旋律」が散りばめられたシングル・リード曲5曲を含む全11曲入り!
2018年に一度は活動を停止したものの、2021年に首謀者"Lilii Mar aka masa"を中心にカムバックを果たしたSVK。
ヴィジュアルショック メタルとして2018年までに確立されたアイコニックな姿を自ら破壊し、あらゆるシーンのサウンドや才能を飲み込むことで、新しく変貌を遂げたその集大成がここにある。それはまさに、新しい「悪魔」との契りを交わし、より美しく、より凶暴な身体を手に入れた魔物だ。SVK再始動後のメインボーカル、Aishaが魔物の狂声を自由自在に司る。
今作はセルフレコーディングにて制作され、ミックスではLilii Mar自身の他、SVK過去作でサウンドプロデュース等も務めたAtsuo(Boris)、名エンジニアとして知られる原浩一、オルタナティヴな質感で定評のある君島結(TSUBAME STUDIO)が参加。マスタリングは中村宗一郎(Peace Music)が担当し、既発曲についてもリマスタリングされ新たな音像で収録されている。
カバーアートは、前作アルバムVAZINISMも手がけた世界的コラージュ・アーティスト河村康輔による作品。彼の手により、SVKはこれまでの赤く亢奮した獣のようなイメージから一点し、銀色の聖獣へと生まれ変わった。Keigo Kurematsuによるデザイン/レイアウトが、蔦のように珠玉の歌詞を連ねる。
Sex Virgin Killer 「DEVIL」
-Track List-
Side A.
1. Sanctuary
2. Devil
3. Fear
4. Danse Macabre
5. Rebirth
Side B.
6. The Dawn We Disappeared
7. Bright Nightmare
8. Mirror
9. Glimpse
10. The Lights Will Fall
11. Misty Shadow
Sex Virgin Killer
Aisha - Vocals
Lilii Mar a.k.a masa - Vocals, Guitars & Composer, Noise performance
Supporting Members:
Knk - Bass
Hammer - Drums, Percussion & Electronics
Music by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa
Words by Aisha & Lilii Mar a.k.a masa
All Songs Written & Produced by Sex Virgin Killer
Track 1, 9 by Koichi Hara
Track 2, 8 by Atsuo (Boris)
Track 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 by lilii (lilii sound loom)
Track 4 by Yui Kimijima (Tsubame Studio)
Recorded & Engineered by lilii at lilii sound loom, Sonic Band Studio, Studio Noah, Studio Life
Mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music)
Mask created by Yuichiro Tamaki
Photography by Barbara
Cover art by Kosuke Kawamura
Layout & Design by Keigo Kurematsu
Devil - a new devil's bond
The new symbol of beautiful Japanese metal punk, Sex Virgin Killer's 2nd Full Album "DEVIL" is finally completed!
The album contains a total of 11 tracks, including 5 single lead tracks, with Japanese hardcore, metal punk, gothic, death rock, darkwave, visual sound, noise and the 'crying melody' of Lilii Mar aka masa, which is also SVK's DNA, scattered throughout!
SVK stopped their activities in 2018, but made a comeback in 2021, led by mastermind 'Lilii Mar aka masa'.
Here is the culmination of their new transformation, destroying the iconic form established by 2018 as visual shock metal themselves and swallowing up sounds and talents from all scenes. It is truly a demon that has bonded with a new 'demon' and taken on a more beautiful and more ferocious body, with Aisha, the main vocalist of the post SVK relaunch, freely controlling the demon's maniacal voice.
The new SVK is a band in its own right, but also a project that brings together a diverse array of artists in terms of sound, art and visuals.
The album was self-recorded and mixed by Lilii Mar herself, Atsuo (Boris), who also produced the sound for SVK's previous albums, Koichi Hara, known as a master engineer, and Yu Kimijima (TSUBAME STUDIO), who is renowned for his alternative textures. Mastering was done by Nakamura Soichiro (Peace Music), and previously released tracks were remastered and recorded with a new sound image.
The cover art is by world-renowned collage artist Kosuke Kawamura, who also worked on the previous VAZINISM album. The design/layout by Keigo Kurematsu is a series of ivy-like lyrics.
¥2,530 税込