
Nu-CA / Born To Be A Soldier (7"EP)

¥1,300 税込





Nu-CA / Born To Be A Soldier (7"EP)
Overthrow Records (Japan) 2022/05/10 Release
Limited 300 copies

デモ音源も好評! 福岡発女性ボーカルポストパンク新バンド"Nu-CA"!
OVERTHROWより2曲入り1st 7"EPリリース!限定300枚!

'00年代半ばより唐突に散見される様になり、やがて今日に至る迄、全世界に拡大した'80s Post Punk revival。
かつて時代を席巻した数々のバンドを懐古的にトレースする様でいながら、自ら現代の解釈を交えそのエッジを研ぎ澄ませたバンドも出現する中で、更にPost Punkから末広がりに展開したDark / Cold Wave、Minimal Wave、更にはNeo-Psycheと言われた過去のバンドの再評価。
Nu-CA…九州は福岡に出現したこのバンド、2021年に突如自らのレーベル、day by dayより4曲収録のTape『You are over there』をリリースし、瞬く間に完売。次の動向に静かな注目が集まっていた中、突如同年11月末にOverthrow recordsと電撃サイン。その後僅か半年を経ずして2曲収録にてリリースの『Born to be a Soldier』EPを完成。
フランスのCold Wave至宝と言われるASYLUM PARTY、現行からはポーランドのPASTといったバンドからのインスパイアを軸に携え、蒼白い翳りに満ち繰り広げられる調べに紅一点、Rocoの愁いを帯びながらも艶やかに、そして伸びやかに歌い上げられるその曲が沁み入る様に胸裡を満たす。


The demo soundtrack is also well received! New female vocal post-punk band "Nu-CA" from Fukuoka!
1st 7" EP release with 2 tracks from OVERTHROW! Limited edition of 300!

The '80s Post Punk revival, which suddenly began to appear in the mid-'00s and eventually expanded worldwide until today.
While some bands have sharpened their edges with their own modern interpretations, while others seem to be nostalgically tracing the many bands that swept the era in the past, there has also been a re-evaluation of the Dark / Cold Wave, Minimal Wave and even Neo-Psyche bands that expanded outwards from Post Punk. The re-evaluation of the bands of the past, known as Neo-Psyche.
This trend, which has been going on for nearly 20 years, is still unbroken, and the same applies here in Japan as well.
Nu-CA... This band from Fukuoka, Kyushu, suddenly released a four-track tape "You are over there" on their own label, Day by Day, in 2021, which sold out in the blink of an eye. While quiet attention was focused on their next move, they suddenly signed with Overthrow records at the end of November of the same year. Only six months later, he completed 'Born to be a Soldier' EP, which was released with two tracks.
The songs are sung in a melancholy but glossy and elongated manner by Roco in a research that is full of pale shadows and unfolds with inspiration from bands such as ASYLUM PARTY, which is said to be the treasure of Cold Wave in France, and PAST from Poland from the present. It fills your heart with a sinking feeling.
The song swayed in the waves of darkness...

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¥1,300 税込

