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BRONZE FIST RECORDS (Japan) 2022/05 Release
東南アジアはミャンマーにて2007年に結成されたリアルPUNKバンド・THE REBEL RIOT。
当局の目をかいくぐりながらレコーディングを行い、その政治的な内容のジャケットや歌詞のためにミャンマー国内の多くの印刷所から拒否されながらも周囲の友人たち、国境を越えた多くの友人たちのサポートの結果、戒厳令下の2021年8月にリリースされた通算4枚目のアルバム『One Day』。
この度リリースする日本盤CDは、ボーナストラックとして2021年秋に録音された「Bella Ciao(さらば恋人よ)」(1943-45年のイタリアにおける反ファシスト党運動において歌われた曲)のカバーを含む2曲を収録した合計14曲入り。
Streetpunkよりだったこれまでのサウンドから一転、今作はハードな仕上がりとなっており、ミャンマーPUNKの中心人物でもあるVocalのKyaw Kyaw(チョチョ)の、今までとは明らかに異なるテンションのボーカルはミャンマー国内のシリアスな状況を反映したかの如く彷徨(ほうこう)に近いものである。
Rumi(Grist zine)による各曲の解説と、高崎(BRONZE FIST RECORDS)による中心メンバー・Kyaw Kyawへのインタビュー、Takeshi Evolstak(NŌ/Grist zine)による歌詞の翻訳付きです。
1. Genocide
2. Punk Against Sweatshops
3. Food Not Bombs
4. Women At The Front
5. My Buddha Is Punk
6. One Day
7. Freedom
8. Destruction Of Humanity
9. A.C.A.B.
10. Let's Fight
11. Abolish Military Slave Education
12. The Night Will Be Not Silenced
13. United Forever ※Bonus track
14. Bella Ciao(さらば恋人よ)※Bonus track
Real PUNK band THE REBEL RIOT was formed in Myanmar in 2007.
They have been actively touring not only in Myanmar but also in Europe, Indonesia and Thailand, and even under the current oppressive military regime, they continue to work without regard for danger and without giving in to the tyranny of the authorities.
They recorded the album under the watchful eye of the authorities and were rejected by many printing houses in Myanmar due to the political content of the cover and lyrics, but with the support of friends around them and many friends across the border, their fourth album in total, One Day, was released in August 2021, during martial law. One Day".
The Japanese CD release includes two bonus tracks, including a cover of 'Bella Ciao' (Farewell Lovers) recorded in autumn 2021 (a song sung during the Italian anti-fascist party movement of 1943-45), for a total of 14 tracks.
The album has a hard-hitting finish, a departure from the Streetpunk-oriented sound of previous albums, and the vocals of Kyaw Kyaw (Chocho), a vocalist who is also a key figure in Myanmar Punk, have a distinctly different intensity than before, reflecting the seriousness of the situation in Myanmar. The vocals are almost wandering, as if reflecting the serious situation in Myanmar.
With commentary on each song by Rumi (Grist zine), an interview with core member Kyaw Kyaw by Takasaki (BRONZE FIST RECORDS) and lyrics translated by Takeshi Evolstak (NŌ/Grist zine).
¥1,760 税込