
HELLNATION / ☆お前等は敵だ! INDIVIDUAL WAR (Cassette Tape)

¥2,000 税込





HELLNATION / ☆お前等は敵だ! INDIVIDUAL WAR (Cassette Tape)
n.a.m. 音楽出版 (Japan) 2022年再発

34年ぶりに HELLNATION 1st カセット「☆お前等は敵だ!INDIVIDUAL WAR」が奇跡の復刻発売!
1989年1月8日の昭和天皇死去に先立ち、体調不良が伝えられるやいなや、社会全体が服喪の強制による自粛ムードで、さながら街頭は死の街となった。バラエティ番組やコマーシャルからは喜びを表すような表現は消え、ネオンなどの街頭照明も消え、まるで戦時中の灯火管制のようであった。「国民は陛下の回復を願っております」あらゆるメディアが戦前さながらの報道を繰り返すような状況下で、このような状況を突破し、天皇制と真っ向から闘った唯一のハードコアパンクバンド。それが HELLNATION である!

2022 年突然訪れた新型コロナウイルスの脅威。HELLNATION の創設メンバーでリーダーの穴水氏は音響技師として活躍していたが、疫病蔓延によって全ての業務を失ってしまう。仕方なく倉庫整理を重ねていたら「お前等は敵だ!」のマスターテープを発掘!また関連資料なども出てきたので、ひとまとめにして補完していた。
そして 2022 年 5 月。日本赤軍の重信房子氏の服役任期が満了となり釈放された。反天皇制個人共闘「秋の嵐」傘下の HELLNATION 人民軍は、むしろ「赤軍」には批判的であったが、これらの分子が検挙される度に公安警察は家宅捜索など卑劣な弾圧を人民仕掛けてくる。今回もそのような弾圧に備え、ガサ物(押収されそうな資料)を整理していたところ、更に状態良いサブマスターテープや、カセットインデックスカード、歌詞カードなどが大量に発掘されたのだ!

希代の極悪宰相 安倍晋三の国葬を粉砕せよ!
つまり自民党はファシストどころかカルトなのである! 政権どころかこの世に存在を許してはいけない集団だ。その頭目を長く務めた極悪人を「国」をもって葬るなど、決して許してはならない!
我々HELLNATION 人民軍は、この作品の再公開のみならず、最先鋭の技術を駆使してこの時代に於いても高音質である再編集に成功した! 我々は全ての表現活動がファシスト殲滅一掃に向かうよう呼びかけると共に、このカルト政権とカルト政党を根絶やしにする闘いに合流することを呼びかけるものである!こんな醜悪な連中は人民の目前から完全に消し去らなければならない!

特集 HELLNATION 履歴(警視庁公安部調べ)
1987 年 当時アメリカンスタイルのハードコアバンドだった DONDON から Drummer のイナガキと Vo&G でほぼ全ての曲を手がけていた Willy(穴水)が脱退。そのまま DONDON を引き継ぐ形で HELLNATION を結成。穴水は高校生時代に DATURA!(後のバリゲイド)にも一時期在籍。また左翼活動家としてポリティカルなパンクシーン創設に尽力。国家秘密法団反対 GIG を運営し、テレビや新聞などマスメディアにも取り上げられるが、穴水の明確な反政府の主張は全て消し去られ、放送禁止的な扱いを受ける。
1987 年穴水主催の NAM が数人のパンクスと共に秋に天皇の沖縄訪問阻止のデモに学生と共に参加。この隊列の隊長は服がボロボロになるほどの暴行を機動隊から受けアキレス腱を切断。また抵抗した学生 1名も不当逮捕。穴水も検挙されるが、護送車に入れられる直前に機動隊と公安の壁を打ち破り脱出。他のパンクスは投石戦で闘った。この凄まじい弾圧を受け、HELLNATION をはじめとするいくつかのパンクバンドと学生が共闘して反天皇制個人共闘「秋の嵐」を結成。原宿歩行者天国にて反天皇制ギグを繰り広げる
1988 年秋 昭和天皇ヒロヒロの体調が悪化し服喪が強制され、街中が自粛した戦中さながらの暗い光景が広がる。秋の嵐は一切怯まず、ホコ天のライブや集会のみならず明治神宮へのデモも敢行。 また天皇の死を見据え 90 分の大作カセット「お前等は的だ!」を発表。1 ヶ月ほどで 300 本が売り切れる大反響だった。1989 年 1 月 8 日昭和天皇が死ぬと抗議した仲間 8 人がいきなり不当逮捕される。同 15 日それに抗議したホコ天のライブではあろう事か機動隊を導入し、THESE の高橋よしあき氏をはじめとする仲間 3 人を不当逮捕。残った穴水は右翼により背後襲撃を受け、その場で卒倒。これが「平成」史上初の白色テロとなる。 その後尾行や生活物資破壊、職場への嫌がらせなど公安警察の弾圧が凄まじく、バンド活動は中断する。
1989 年秋、bass のおさむらいさんが Drum にまわり、造反有理の秋山氏を Bass に向かえて代々木公園野外音楽堂で 1 度だけライブを決行。しかしながら以降は約 2 年の長きに渡って活動を休止せざるを得なくなる
1991 年 ファンからの声に応え活動を再開。ただしハードコアシーンから完全に脱却しゼロからのスタート。Vo の本田をベースにコンバートして、井上チホという女性ドラマーと、名古屋の狂気のボーカリスト桑原滝弥氏を迎え入れ、ジャンクバンドとして音楽性を再編する。 1992 年桑原滝弥が脱退し詩人としての道を歩む。臨時に LOVEMEN のブンさんを Vo として招き入れライブを行うも、1992 年穴水がG&Vo となり、リード G として後に韓国に渡り大活躍する長谷川陽平を迎え入れる。 1993 年井上チホが脱退。ハイテクノロジースーサイドに居たミサを迎え入れ 1stCD アルバムをレコーディング 1994 年に発売する。1995 年 B に 2 台目ベーシストを務めた秋山氏、ドラムに村上氏を迎え入れ活動再開。この頃の音楽性は日本には殆ど無いギターロック的なグランジサウンドだった。1995 年末にカセットテープ
「BRAINWASH OVERDOSE」の発表を最後に解散。 以降穴水は WAGPLATY、FAMILYMAN で特異なギタリストとして活躍。2010 年には岩見氏と PINPRICK PUNISHMEN を結成。国内外で圧倒的な評価を得るも 2016 年
尚、穴水氏はサウンドエンジニアとして 90 年代から多くのパンクハードコアバンドのレコーディングを手がけている。LOEVEMEN の 1st デモテープ、SOCIALCRIME の 1st ソノシート、heck の 1st,2nd、彫刻の庭 CD、ATOMIC FIRE BALL、レンジ&ダーティーホスピタル、PEST、GRINDSHUFT、DUSTPAN、全ての自身のバンド作品など非常に多岐に渡る。また n.a.m.を音響会社化して数限りないインディーズ系のフェスを手がけている。奥多摩ギグ、廃校フェス、TOKYOBORDOM、ぐるぐる回る、等。ライブで手がけたアーティストは青葉市子、湯川潮音、コトリンゴ、羊毛とお花、朝日美穂、シカラムータ、山川冬樹、ヒカシュー、俺はこんなもんじゃない、ドラビデオ、JimO'Rourke、CICADA、BREAKfAST、カーネーション、少年ナイフ、OOIOO、七尾旅人、カジヒデキ、曽我部恵一、ホフディラン、younGSounds、VIVISICK、TURTLE ISLAND、MELT-BANANA、OLEDICKFOGGY、FORWARD、SLIGHT SLAPPERS、鉄アレイ等からマーサ三宅、吾妻光良のような大御所までこちらも多岐に渡る。また、神戸や東北の被災位置支援のみならず、大規模な集会音響、サウンドデモで音響の殆どを手がけ、活動家としても大衆運動に大きく貢献している。


After 34 years, HELLNATION's 1st cassette "☆You are the enemy!
As soon as it was reported that Emperor Showa was unwell prior to his death on 8 January 1989, the entire society was in a mood of self-restraint due to the compulsory mourning, and the streets became, as it were, a city of death. The variety shows and commercials stopped expressing joy, and the neon and other street lights were switched off, as if it were a wartime light control system. The only hardcore punk band to break through and fight the Emperor System head-on was HELLNATION. That is HELLNATION!

The process that led to the reissue
The Corona Disaster and the Japanese Red Army brought the band out of the nightmare!
In the year 2022, a new coronavirus threatens HELLNATION's founding member and leader, Anamizu, who used to work as a sound engineer, loses all his work due to the spread of the plague. He has no choice but to go through a series of warehouses and unearths the master tapes of "You're the enemy! master tapes of "You are the Enemy! Also, related materials were found, so they were put together and supplemented.
Then, in May 2022. Fusako Shigenobu, a member of the JRA, was released after her term of imprisonment expired. The HELLNATION People's Army, under the umbrella of the anti-empire individual communal struggle 'Autumn Storm', was rather critical of the 'Red Army', but whenever these elements were arrested, the Public Security Police would launch despicable repression against the people, including house searches. This time, too, when they were sorting through the crumbs (materials likely to be seized) in preparation for such repression, they unearthed a large number of sub-master tapes, cassette index cards, lyric cards and other materials in even better condition!

Smash the state funeral of the rare and diabolical Prime Minister Shinzo Abe!
While we were still sorting through the large amount of unearthed deadstock materials in the hope of releasing them one day, the rare fascist Shinzo Abe, a victim of the Unification Association, was shot by Netto and died an untimely death.
His death revealed that Shinzo Abe had manipulated the Unification Association, a cult of the worst kind, to cheat votes in every election and keep the LDP in power.
In other words, the LDP is not just fascist but a cult! It is a group that should not be allowed to exist in this world, let alone in power. We must not allow the "country" to bury the diabolical person who served as its head for so long!
In order to crush this, we have decided to release a work against the mourning of Emperor Hirohito of the Showa era.
This is not just a re-release of a deadstock soundtrack, but a resolute fight against the Fascito Cult!
We, the HELLNATION People's Army, have succeeded not only in re-releasing this work, but also in re-editing it using state-of-the-art technology and in high sound quality even in this day and age! We call on all expressive activities to move towards fascist extermination and to join the struggle to eradicate this cult regime and cult party! These abominations must be completely wiped out from the eyes of the people!

Special feature HELLNATION History (according to the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Safety Department)
1987 Inagaki (drummer) and Willy (Anamizu), who had done almost all the songs as Vo&G, left DONDON, which was an American-style hardcore band at the time. HELLNATION was formed in the form of taking over DONDON as it was. Anamizu was also a member of DATURA! He also worked as a left-wing activist and helped to establish a political punk scene. He ran the GIG against the National Secret Law Group, which was covered by mass media such as TV and newspapers, but all of Anamizu's clear anti-government arguments were erased and he was treated as if he was banned from broadcasting.
1987 NAM organised by Anamizu, together with several punks, joined with students in a demonstration to prevent the Emperor's visit to Okinawa in the autumn. The leader of this formation was beaten by riot police to the point that his clothes were in tatters and his Achilles tendon was severed. A student who resisted was also wrongfully arrested. Anamizu was also arrested, but just before he was put into a convoy, he broke through the wall of riot police and public security and escaped. Other punks fought in a stone-throwing fight. In response to this horrific repression, several punk bands, including HELLNATION, and students fought together to form the anti-empire individual co-operation 'Autumn Storm'. Anti-Emperor System gig in Harajuku pedestrian paradise.
Autumn 1988 Showa Emperor Hirohiro's health deteriorates and he is forced to go into mourning, creating a dark, war-like scene of self-restraint in the city. Autumn Storm was not intimidated at all, and dared to demonstrate not only at HOKOTEN live concerts and rallies, but also at Meiji Shrine. In anticipation of the Emperor's death, he released a 90-minute cassette, "You are the target!" On 8 January 1989, eight of his comrades who protested against the death of the Showa Emperor were suddenly and unjustly arrested. On 15 January the same year, riot police were unexpectedly introduced at a HOKOTEN concert in protest, and three of their colleagues, including Yoshiaki Takahashi of THESE, were unjustly arrested. The remaining Anamizu was attacked from behind by right-wingers and fell to the ground. This was the first white terror attack in the history of 'Heisei'. The band's activities were then interrupted due to the severe repression of the public security police, who followed them, destroyed their daily necessities and harassed them at their workplaces.
In the autumn of 1989, the band played a one-off live concert at the Yoyogi Park Open-Air Concert Hall, with Osamurai-san on bass and Akiyama-san on drums. However, the band had to take a break for about two years after that.
1991: In response to fan demand, the band resumed their activities. Converted the vocalist Honda to bass guitar, recruited a female drummer Chiho Inoue and a crazy vocalist Takiya Kuwabara from Nagoya, and reorganised their musical style as a junk band. 1992 Takiya Kuwabara leaves the band to pursue his career as a poet. They temporarily invited Bun-san from LOVEMEN as Vo and performed live, but in 1992 Anamizu became G&Vo, and Yohei Hasegawa, who later moved to Korea and became very active as lead G, was brought in. In 1993, Chiho Inoue left the band. In 1995, the band resumed its activities with Akiyama as B and Murakami on drums. At this time, the band's musical style was a guitar-rock grunge sound that was almost unheard of in Japan.
The band disbanded at the end of 1995 with the release of the cassette tape 'BRAINWASH OVERDOSE'. In 2010, he formed PINPRICK PUNISHMEN with Iwami. The band received overwhelming acclaim in Japan and abroad, but disbanded in 2016.
In 2016, the group disbanded.
Anamizu has recorded many punk hardcore bands since the 90s as a sound engineer, including LOEVEMEN's 1st demo tape, SOCIALCRIME's 1st sonosheet, heck's 1st and 2nd CDs, Sculpture Garden CD, ATOMIC FIRE BALL, RANGE & DIRTY HOSPITAL, and the first album of the band's second album, SOCIALCRIME. Range & Dirty Hospital, PEST, GRINDSHUFT, DUSTPAN, all his own band's work, etc. very diverse. He has also turned n.a.m. into a sound company and handles countless indie festivals. Okutama gig, abandoned school festival, TOKYOBORDOM, GURU GURU GURU, etc. Artists he has worked with live include Aoba Ichiko, Yukawa Shion, Kotoringo, Wool and Flowers, Miho Asahi, Shikaramuta, Fuyuki Yamakawa, Hickashu, I'm Not Like This, Dora Video, JimO'Rourke, CICADA, BREAKfAST, Carnation, Shonen Knife, OOIOO, Nanao TOURIST, KAJI HIDEKI, KEIICHI SOKABE, HOFF DYLAN, younGSounds, VIVISICK, TURTLE ISLAND, MELT-BANANA, OLEDICKFOGGY, FORWARD, SLIGHT SLAPPERS, TETSURAY etc. to big names such as Martha Miyake, Mitsuyoshi Agatsuma, and many more. The range is also diverse. In addition to supporting the disaster-affected areas of Kobe and Tohoku, he has also made a significant contribution to mass movements as an activist, working on most of the sound for large-scale rallies and sound demonstrations.

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¥2,000 税込

