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KARŌSHI / The End Of The Illusion Of Freedom (LP) - Limited 500 copies -
The Little Jan's Hammer Records (Spain) 2023/04 Release
スペイン人のJosé Romero(AGOBIO)とChicote(ORNAMENTOS DEL MIEDO / ÚLTIMO GOBIERNO)、そしてDISAFFECTで知られるイギリス人のBrian Curranからなるバンド、Karōshiの8曲入り1stアルバム。
AMEBIX、ANTI CIMEX、DISCHARGE、DOOM、DISFEARを彷彿とさせるシンセサイザーのイントロから始まり、圧迫感のある生々しさに圧倒される!Hardcore / Crust / Black metalの要素が絡み合う。
The first album of eight tracks from Karōshi, a band consisting of Spaniards José Romero (AGOBIO) and Chicote (ORNAMENTOS DEL MIEDO / ÚLTIMO GOBIERNO) and Brian Curran, an Englishman known for DISAFFECT.
The album starts with a synth intro reminiscent of AMEBIX, ANTI CIMEX, DISCHARGE, DOOM and DISFEAR, and is overwhelmed by the oppressive rawness of the music, with elements of Hardcore / Crust / Black metal intertwining.
¥3,180 税込