
DESPERDICIO / Repetimos Destrucción Cuatro Veces EP (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies -

¥1,650 税込

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DESPERDICIO / Repetimos Destrucción Cuatro Veces EP (7"EP) - Limited 300 copies -
OVERTHROW (Japan) 2023/09 Release

仙台のスパニッシュ・ハードコアパンク "DESPERDICIO"!! ディスコグラフィーCD以来、久々の単独作となる新音源!! 2023年作3rd 7"をOVERTHROWよりリリース!! 全4曲収録!!
またやらかすか!! 仙台発、ポンコツスパニッシュパンク筆頭、DESPERDICIOが「仏の顔も三度まで」をアッサリ背き、またまたNew EPをリリース!! 限定300枚!!
2011年の1st EPでのズッコケデビューから早12年、なんのかんので調子に乗り続け今日に至るという何ともけったいなスタンスをいつの間にか築き上げ、ドサクサに紛れてはこれまでGENERACION SUICIDA、CRIATURASといった来日バンドとも共演。更には2019年夏、コロンビアから来日のDEAD HEROには何故かフェイヴァリットとして挙げられたのをイイ事にツアー前半をまんまとショートサーキットにて随行と、枚挙に暇がない図々しさに厚かましさでコレまたまんまとシーンを横切って来た彼らのEPとしては7年振りにして3枚目のEP『Repetimos Destrucción Cuatro Veceqs』が満を持してのリリース!! '80sスパニッシュパンクに南米ロウパンクファンに贈る大本命盤なるか!?


Spanish hardcore punks "DESPERDICIO" from Sendai! New single release after a long time since their discography CD! 3rd 7" from 2023 released on OVERTHROW! 4 tracks in total!
They're at it again! DESPERDICIO, the first Spanish punk band from Sendai, have released another new EP! Limited edition of 300!
It's been 12 years since their debut with their first EP in 2011, and they've somehow built up a very strange stance that they're still going strong to this day, and in the heat of the moment, they've played with bands such as GENERACION SUICIDA and CRIATURAS in Japan. Furthermore, in the summer of 2019, DEAD HERO from Colombia came to Japan and for some reason they were mentioned as favourites, so they took advantage of this and spent the first half of their tour on a short circuit, and have been crossing the scene again with a brazenness and audacity that leaves no time for enumeration. The third EP "Repetimos Destrucción Cuatro Veceqs" is their first release in seven years and their third EP "Repetimos Destrucción Cuatro Veceqs" has been released! The third EP in a row, "Repetimos Destrucción Cuatro Veceqs", is now ready to be released!
The EP is released with four songs, and the band has been asked to play shows in Tokyo and other regions, but for some reason, the band members say, "It's cool that only one person shows up late". He thinks it's cool that he's the only one who shows up late..." Some of the band members have some rather harsh opinions about this, but will it be a bold release with a "victory is a victory"?
If it does, will the hot water in Papa's bathroom showers in his house run properly? Whatever the case may be, we are not going to be spared from the various things that are likely to happen, but wait with bated breath for the release at the end of September! ... as much as possible... (sweat).
(from label info).

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¥1,650 税込
