
V.A. - BUKA I URLIK (LP + CD - Diehard smokey orange vinyl) - Limited 150 copies -

¥4,180 税込


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V.A. - BUKA I URLIK(1983) (LP + CD - Diehard smokey orange vinyl) - Limited 150 copies -
F.O.A.D. Records (Italy) 2024/04 Release

1983年にカセットテープでリリースされ、同じく伝説的なLP「Hard-Core Ljubljana」の2年前にリリースされた、ユーゴ・ハードコアの必須コンピレーションのオフィシャル・リイシュー。
ネクロフィリア、ヘルペス・ディストレス、ソルスキー・フロント。No Profit Tapesの第一世代マスターを使用したスペシャル・エディション。NECROPHILIAとHERPES DISTRESSの歪んだ激情ハードコアと、当時の最も過激なユーロ・カオス・パンクの名作(Wretched、Anti-Cimex、Chaos UK)がフルラインでぶつかり合い、SOLUNSKI FRONTのより精巧でありながら疾走感のあるアプローチとは対照的である。 V.A.カセットを完全再現したLPと、LPと同じ内容のボーナスCD+NECROPHILIAによる8曲のレア・ボーナストラック。


Official reissue of this essential, raw Yugo hardcore compilation, originally released on cassette tape in 1983, two years before the equally legendary “Hard-Core Ljubljana” v.a. LP… The first ever HC compilation from Belgrade featuring: NECROPHILIA, HERPES DISTRESS, SOLUNSKI FRONT. Special edition sourced from first generation masters provided by No Profit Tapes, giving this iconic compilation the well-deserved quality treatment that does justice after the previous cheaply made version. A devastating clash between the distorted, furious hardcore of NECROPHILIA and HERPES DISTRESS in full line with the most extreme Euro chaos-punk classics of that era (Wretched, Anti-Cimex, Chaos UK), contrasting with the more elaborate but still fast-paced approach of SOLUNSKI FRONT. LP reproducing the v.a. cassette in its entirety and bonus CD with the same contents as the LP + 8 rare bonus tracks by NECROPHILIA. Gatefold jacket + insert including scans of the original cassette, rare photos and liner notes by Gvido Obradovic, the mastermind that released it on tape in total DIY spirit back then… Assembled with the unfailing collaboration of Guranje S Litice.

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¥4,180 税込
