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insane world records (Japan) 2024/08/08 Release
そして同じくイギリスのVIOLATORSがゴス化し、その後にICE THE FALLING RAINへと転身してシンセ・ポップ化したように。
はたまたフィンランドのLAMAやNOLLA NOLLA NOLLAがゴス化してMUSTA PARAATIへと進化したように。
このたび2024年7月下旬にXIDENTITYがリリースする、正規音源としては2作目となる3曲入CD『SECOND WAVE』で、かつてはベース+ヴォーカルだったRieがシンセ+ヴォーカルに、そしてギター+ヴォーカルだったYuuki(ESPERANZA / ex: PERSEVERE)がベース+シンセ・ドラムへと移行し、バンドはサウンドを大きく変えトランスフォームを果たした。
text by ヤマダナオヒロ (nAo12xu / †13TH MOON†)
100% pure synth-punk anthem! Beats, synths and shouts! XIDENTITY have gone down their own pioneering path, and this 3-track CD is packed with their evolving punk rock style!
Just as Britain's BLITZ once became post-punk.
Just as the UK's VIOLATORS went goth, then turned into ICE THE FALLING RAIN and became synth-pop.
Or like Finland's LAMA and NOLLA NOLLA NOLLA, which became goth and evolved into MUSTA PARAATI.
Hiroshima-based XIDENTITY is a one-of-a-kind post-punk unit that eliminates the guitar sound, and instead uses a bass and beat-based synthesiser melody, with part changes, and twin male and female vocals to shout out the cries of their souls. The band has evolved into a unique post-punk unit with twin male and female vocalists shouting their souls out!
In ‘SECOND WAVE’, XIDENTITY's second official release in late July 2024, Rie, who used to be bass + vocals, will now be synth + vocals, and Yuki (ESPERANZA / ex: PERSEVERE), who used to be guitar + vocals, will now be synth + vocals moved to bass + synth drums and the band transformed their sound.
The result is a fusion of the new wave punk/modern synthwave feel with the anarcho-punk spirit and passion that XIDENTITY has embodied since its inception, with twin vocals of a male-female duo. In addition, the two vocalists throw direct and passionate Japanese lyrics at the listener. All three songs are ‘Who wouldn't be set on fire by this level of agitation?’ The songs are 100% pure synth-punk anthems!
They shout out their words in the most honed style they can imagine. XIDENTITY have started their own pioneering path, keeping the passions and impulses of punk and hardcore at their core, while developing their sound, and don't be fooled by the adjectives used to describe their songs and sound, listen to this album and experience the pure ‘ever-evolving punk rock’ in both spirit and music! I want you to experience it for yourself!
Raise your voice! Raise your voice!
text by Naohiro Yamada (nAo12xu / †13TH MOON†)
¥1,200 税込