PROUD CITY FATHERS - HUMAN ZOO (LP - Black and Grey Eco Vinyl) - Limited 300 copies - | Anxiety Records
¥3,230 税込
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PROUD CITY FATHERS - HUMAN ZOO (LP - Black and Grey Eco Vinyl) - Limited 300 copies -
Grow Your Own Records (UK) 2024/05 Release
1990年代から活動を続けるイギリスのAnarcho Punk Band、PROUD CITY FATHERSの最新作、12曲入りLP、エコ・ヴィニール。
伝統的なアナーコ・サウンドに80's UKをミックスしたかのようなキレキレのサウンド!
ジャケットはヒエロニムス・ボスの作品を彷彿とさせる混沌とした悪夢のような情景、実はボスよりも2世紀も前のGiotto di Bondoneの作品だとか。見事に彼らのサウンドを具現化したような素晴らしいジャケ!
The latest 12-track 12’ eco-vinyl release from British Anarcho Punk band PROUD CITY FATHERS, who have been active since the 1990s.
From frenetic energy to brooding menace, the sharp guitar riffs and tight rhythm section intertwine in thrilling ways.
The sound is a crisp mix of traditional anarcho sound and 80's UK!
The cover is a chaotic, nightmarish scene reminiscent of the work of Hieronymus Bosch, in fact, the work of Giotto di Bondone, two centuries before Bosch. A great jacket that brilliantly embodies their sound!
With lyric card.
¥3,230 税込