Record, Cassette, CD
■A World Divided (Canada / Tunisia)
Cassette Tape Only
・TA2REEBAN - Demo Cassette (Hardcore / Beirut)
・OFENSA - Cual Humanidad (Crust / Barcelona)
・DESCRENTE - O tribunal dos Incantos (Death Rock / Portgul)
・DOGMA - Disarm or Die (Anarcho / Canada)
・DIE IN VAIN - Savage New Times (UK82 / Istanbul)
・ザ・スターリン - 絶賛解散中!! 40th Annivarsary Edition (DVD)
・SHE's - D9 (7"EP)
◾️F.O.A.D. Records (Italy)
・NO CUT - Humanism / Tragic a present - Demos 1983 - 1984(LP)
・WARSAW - S.C. Dynamite go go! (LP)
・CRUSTY HI CHARGE - 蛇鳳龍虎 Discography 1995 - 1998 (LP)
・100 SWINDLE - Regain Our Freedom (LP)
C4 / La provincia odia (7"EP)
C4 / La provincia odia (7"EP) Fire And Flames Music (Germany) 2021/02 Release イタリア、サルディーニャ島のOi! / Street Punk Band、C4の4曲入り7"EP。2枚のLPと7"に次ぐ2ndEP。 スピーディーな楽曲と完璧なシンガロングがたまらない。2曲はイタリア語、2曲はサルディーニャ語で歌われている。 Fast'n'loud Records、Rumagna Sgroza Records、Radio Punk、Ostia Records、Bèrghem Youth Crew、Sirboni Recordsとの共同リリース。 歌詞カード・インサート付。 https://c4combatrock.bandcamp.com/album/la-provincia-odia 4-track 7" EP by C4, a Sardinian Oi!/ Street Punk Band from Sardinia, Italy, their second EP following two LPs and a 7". Speedy tunes and perfect singalongs are irresistible, two songs are sung in Italian and two in Sardinian. Co-released with Fast'n'loud Records, Rumagna Sgroza Records, Radio Punk, Ostia Records, Bèrghem Youth Crew and Sirboni Records. Includes lyric card and insert.
TERMINAL ADDICTION / EP 2021 (Cassette Tape)
TERMINAL ADDICTION / EP 2021 (Cassette Tape) Makima Records (Russia) 2021/09 Release ロシア、Nizhny Novgorodの女性ヴォーカルd-beat / Hardcore Punk Band、TERMINAL ADDICTIONの2ndカセットテープ。4曲入り。 正統派d-beatサウンドながら、ある意味キャッチーさも兼ね備えたドライヴ感抜群の楽曲群。 ギターの旋律もハードさを煽る。ロシアにこのバンドありか! https://terminaladdiction.bandcamp.com/album/ep-2021 Second cassette tape by TERMINAL ADDICTION, a female vocal d-beat / hardcore punk band from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, containing four tracks. A group of songs with an authentic d-beat sound, but also catchy in a way, with a great driving feel. The guitar melody also fuels the hardness. There's a band in Russia!
DECK / The Cage (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies -
DECK / The Cage (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies - Makima Records (Russia) 2021 Release ロシア、Nizjniy NovgorodのHardcore Punk Band、DECKの2ndカセットテープ。5曲入り。 限定50本。 https://deck.bandcamp.com/album/the-cage Second cassette tape by DECK, Hardcore Punk Band from Nizjniy Novgorod, Russia, containing five tracks. Limited edition of 50.
xRISALEx / Demo 2020 (Cassette Tape) Limited 50 copies -
xRISALEx / Demo 2020 (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies - Makima Records (Russia) 2021 Release トルコ、イスタンブールのVegan SxE Hardcore Band、xRISALExの2020年のデモ音源。最初は2020年にWretched Recordsからリリースされたが、コレは2021年にMakima Recordsから50本限定で再リリースされたもの。 xRISALExは元々、2020年にワンマン・プロジェクトとして始められ、この音源もドラムとミックスを友達に手伝ってもらい完成したもの。その後、バンドとして活動したくなり現在の3人編成となって現在に至る。 https://xrisalex.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2020 2020 demo by xRISALEx, Vegan SxE Hardcore Band from Istanbul, Turkey. First released in 2020 on Wretched Records, this was re-released in 2021 on Makima Records in a limited edition of 50. xRISALEx was originally started as a one-man project in 2020, and this soundtrack was also completed with the help of a friend on drums and mixing. Later, they wanted to work as a band and became the current three-piece organisation, which continues to this day.
CONTRAST / Hellish Existence (Cassette Tape)
CONTRAST / Hellish Existence (Cassette Tape) Makimo Records (Russia) 2020 Release ロシア、PetrozavodskのワンマンCrust / d-Beat / Hardcore Punk、CONTRASTの3rdカセットテープ。3曲入り。 2ndカセットは、ブラジルのワンマンd-Beat、Besthövenとのスプリットだった。 https://gogacontrast.bandcamp.com/album/hellish-existence Third cassette tape by CONTRAST, one-man Crust / d-Beat / Hardcore Punk from Petrozavodsk, Russia, containing three tracks. The second cassette was a split with Brazilian one-man d-Beat, Besthöven.
MENARCHE / Пол - это лава + Demo 2018 (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies -
MENARCHE / Пол - это лава + Demo 2018 (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies - Makima Records (Russia) 2020 Release ロシア、イルクーツクの男2女2の女性ヴォーカル・パンクバンド、MENARCHEの2018年と2020年の音源5曲ずつをカップリング収録。 77Punkやガレージな感触もあり。Petrol Girlsあたりが好きな人にも受けそう。 https://menarche.bandcamp.com/album/- https://menarche.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2018 A coupling of five songs each from 2018 and 2020 from MENARCHE, a female vocal punk band with two male and two female members from Irkutsk, Russia. There's a 77Punk and garage feel to it, and it's likely to appeal to those who like Petrol Girls.
CEGUERA / CENERI (Cassette Tape)
CEGUERA / CENERI (Cassette Tape) Makima Records (Russia) 2020 Release コロンビア、ボゴタのMetalic Thrashy Hardcore Band、CEGUERAの8曲入り1stアルバム。 https://ceguerabandhc.bandcamp.com/album/ceneri First eight-track album by CEGUERA, a Metalic Thrashy Hardcore Band from Bogota, Colombia.
JILTED / Discography (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies -
JILTED / Discography (Cassette Tape) - Limited 50 copies - Makima Records (Russia) 2019 Release イタリアのAnarcho Crusty Hardcore Punk Band、JILTEDのコンピレーション・カセット。 元Permanent ScarとPoint Of Viewのメンバーにより90年代後半に結成されたバンド。 2006年にイタリアのAngry Recordsから「1998-2005」という21曲入りの編集盤が出ていたが、こちらはその音源に2013年リリースのアルバム「Venti Di Guerra」の10曲と2018年のコンピ「non un sasso indietro vol. II」の1曲を追加収録した全32曲。限定50本。 Track 1 from “Pasta Power Violence 2” comp. LP (1998). Track 2 - unreleased version (1998). Tracks 3-7 - “La mia realtà” 7”EP (1999). Track 7 also appeared on “Critical Pedagogy” Comp. LP/CD (1999). Tracks 8-11 - “Follia omicida” 7”EP (2000). Track 12 - Unreleased version (recorded at “masters of noise” studio, Amsterdam – november 2002). Tracks 13-18 - Jilted / Murder Disco X – split LP (2004). Tracks 19-21 - Jilted / Beyond Description – split CDEP (2005). Tracks 22 -31 "Venti di guerra" CD/LP (2013/2015). Track 32 from "non un sasso indietro vol. II" compilation LP + 2x CD (2018). https://jilted.bandcamp.com/album/la-mia-realt https://jilted.bandcamp.com/album/follia-omicida https://jilted.bandcamp.com/album/jilted-murder-disco-x-split-lp https://jilted.bandcamp.com/album/jilted-split-cd-with-beyond-description https://jilted.bandcamp.com/album/venti-di-guerra Compilation cassette by Italian Anarcho Crusty Hardcore Punk Band JILTED. The band was formed in the late 90s by former members of Permanent Scar and Point Of View. A 21-track compilation called '1998-2005' was released on Italy's Angry Records in 2006, and this one includes that material, plus 10 tracks from the 2013 album 'Venti Di Guerra' and the 2018 compilation 'non un sasso indietro vol. II', for a total of 32 tracks, with one additional track from the 'Venti Di Guerra' album. Limited edition of 50.
THE LAST WORDS / Animal World (12"LP)
THE LAST WORDS / Animal World (12"LP) Papagájův Hlasatel Records (Czech Republic) 2021/04 Release 1977年に結成された、オーストラリア最初期のパンクバンドの一つ、THE LAST WORDS。 また、オーストラリアで最初に海外で成功したバンドの一つでもある。 1977年にDIYでリリースした1stシングル「Animal World / Wondering Why」はすぐに完売。オーストラリアのメジャーレーベル「Wizzard Records」から新たに録音された「Animal World」は、彼らの短い歴史の中で最も有名な曲となった。その後、バンドはイギリスに拠点を移し、1980年に唯一のアルバムをリリース。 本作は、THE LAST WORDS初のコンピレーション・アルバムで、すべてのシングルとデビュー・アルバムからの曲を収録、全19曲。最後を飾るのはJefferson Airplaneのカバー「White Rabbit」。 全曲を新たにリマスタリング、バンドの歴史や全歌詞を掲載したインサート封入。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXj3tnuBwRE&list=OLAK5uy_nzz4Swda2TGD1zyaEFTCzl8brPolnrGLg THE LAST WORDS, one of Australia's earliest punk bands, formed in 1977. They were also one of the first Australian bands to achieve international success. Their first single 'Animal World / Wondering Why' was released on DIY in 1977 and sold out immediately. Newly recorded on the major Australian label Wizzard Records, 'Animal World' became the most famous song in their short history. The band then moved to the UK and released their only album in 1980. This is THE LAST WORDS' first compilation album, featuring all singles and tracks from their debut album, 19 tracks in all. The final track is a cover of Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit'. All songs newly remastered and enclosed insert with band history and full lyrics.
FABRIKA / s/t (12"LP)
FABRIKA / s/t (12"LP) Papagájův Hlasatel Records (Czech Republic) 2021/01 Release 1988年にチェコのクラドノで結成されたFABRIKAはチェコの伝説的なパンクバンドの一つ。 3ピース・バンドだが、ベースのSmíchが亡くなったため、1994年で活動は停止。 1990年にチェコスロヴァキアのレーベルからリリースされたオムニバス「Rebelie - Punk 'n' Oi!」にŠanov、Plexis、Našrotらとともに収録、1994年にはカセット・コンピ「Plameny Smrti」に収録されるが、現役時代に残した音源はそれだけ。 本作は1988年の未発表デモ9曲に、1994年のコンピ「Plameny Smrti」の収録曲2曲、1989年のライブ音源3曲、1990年のライブ音源1曲の全15曲収録。 Punk ~ Post Punk / New Wave的な要素も加わった独特のサウンド。 https://papagajuvhlasatelrecords.bandcamp.com/album/fabrika Formed in 1988 in Kladno, Czech Republic, FABRIKA is one of the legendary Czech punk bands. A three-piece band, they ceased to exist in 1994 after the death of bassist Smích. The band was included in the omnibus 'Rebelie - Punk 'n' Oi!' released on the Czechoslovakian label in 1990, together with Šanov, Plexis and Našrot, and in the cassette compilation 'Plameny Smrti' in 1994, but the only recordings left from their active period were That's it. This album contains nine previously unreleased demos from 1988, two tracks from the 1994 compilation 'Plameny Smrti', three live tracks from 1989 and one live track from 1990, for a total of 15 tracks. Unique sound with Punk - Post Punk / New Wave elements.
V.A. / Diggin' Up The 90s Vol.1 (12"LP - Black Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies -
V.A. / Diggin' Up The 90s Vol.1 (12"LP - Black Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies - Amok Records (Germany) 2021/08 Release Killed by DeathやBloodstainsのように埋もれた音源を発掘するオムニバスの1990年代バージョンの第一弾!! 77Punk的なキラーでオブスキュアな曲から、Hardcore Punk、Garage Punkなど、幅広いPunk Bandから全16バンド、16曲収録。 ブラック・ヴィニールは限定200枚。 1.ASHLEY VON HURTER AND THE HATERS(Rhode Island, USA) - F.B.I. (from 7” F.B.I. 1996 on Baby Doll Records 1996) 2.OFFICIAL HOOLIGANS(USA) - Darby Crash (from 7” Campus Safety on Eugene Records 1993) 3.SHUTDOWN(Canada) - The Mechanic (from 7” Shutdown on Chikara Records on 1990) 4.BLOODY MUTANTS(Ireland) - Beans And Chips (from Split 7” with Noise Pollution on Rejected Records on 1998) 5.VENDABAIT(Cincinnati, USA) - Crushing My World (from 7” Crushing My World on Centsless Productions 1992) 6.THE WUSSIES(Connecticut, USA) - Promised Land (from 7” Promised Land on Future Vibes Records 1990) 7.STALINS ORGAN(Australia) - Sex Girls (from Split 7” with Feral Dreams on Scratch And Bite 1994) 8.KERBHOLZ(Switzerland) - Müller (from 7” Kerbholz on Self-released 1997) 9.MENSTRUAL TRAMPS(USA) - Be A Man (from Split 7" with PBR Streetgang on Shitjack Records) 10.BETTY BONDAGE(France) - Lolita (from 7" Lolita on New Wave Records 1990) 11.FUCK THE BUREAUCRACY(Chicago, USA) - Rise Of The Counter Culture (from 7" Fuck The Bureaucracy on Self-released 1992) 12.FATHOM THEORY(Ohio, USA) - You’ll Never Know (from 7" Blinded By Hatred on 12×12 Records 1992) 13.LEGEND KILLERS(Australia) - Questions (from 12" Locked Inside on Nomad Records 1990) 14.PERTURBED(Texas, USA) - For The People (from 7" The Perturbed on Kaniption Records / Smilin' Ear Records 1991) 15.X-O TOXINS(USA) - Exxon (from 7" X-O Toxins on Signal Sound Systems Records 1991) 16.THE HECK(Japan) - I Need It (from 7" R.I.P.S. on Rebelabel 1998) Bandcamp https://amokrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/diggin-up-the-90s The 1990s version of an omnibus that unearths buried material like Killed by Death and Bloodstains - the first! A total of 16 bands and 16 tracks from a wide range of Punk bands, from killer, obscure 77Punk-style songs to Hardcore Punk, Garage Punk and more. Black vinyl limited to 200 copies.
V.A. / Diggin' Up The 90s Vol.1 (12"LP - Blue Vinyl) - Limited 100 copies -
V.A. / Diggin' Up The 90s Vol.1 (12"LP - Blue Vinyl) - Limited 100 copies - Amok Records (Germany) 2021/08 Release Killed by DeathやBloodstainsのように埋もれた音源を発掘するオムニバスの1990年代バージョンの第一弾!! 77Punk的なキラーでオブスキュアな曲から、Hardcore Punk、Garage Punkなど、幅広いPunk Bandから全16バンド、16曲収録。 ブルー・ヴィニールは限定100枚。 A-1.ASHLEY VON HURTER AND THE HATERS(Rhode Island, USA) - F.B.I. (from 7” F.B.I. 1996 on Baby Doll Records 1996) 2.OFFICIAL HOOLIGANS(USA) - Darby Crash (from 7” Campus Safety on Eugene Records 1993) 3.SHUTDOWN(Canada) - The Mechanic (from 7” Shutdown on Chikara Records on 1990) 4.BLOODY MUTANTS(Ireland) - Beans And Chips (from Split 7” with Noise Pollution on Rejected Records on 1998) 5.VENDABAIT(Cincinnati, USA) - Crushing My World (from 7” Crushing My World on Centsless Productions 1992) 6.THE WUSSIES(Connecticut, USA) - Promised Land (from 7” Promised Land on Future Vibes Records 1990) 7.STALINS ORGAN(Australia) - Sex Girls (from Split 7” with Feral Dreams on Scratch And Bite 1994) 8.KERBHOLZ(Switzerland) - Müller (from 7” Kerbholz on Self-released 1997) B-1.MENSTRUAL TRAMPS(USA) - Be A Man (from Split 7" with PBR Streetgang on Shitjack Records) 2.BETTY BONDAGE(France) - Lolita (from 7" Lolita on New Wave Records 1990) 3.FUCK THE BUREAUCRACY(Chicago, USA) - Rise Of The Counter Culture (from 7" Fuck The Bureaucracy on Self-released 1992) 4.FATHOM THEORY(Ohio, USA) - You’ll Never Know (from 7" Blinded By Hatred on 12×12 Records 1992) 5.LEGEND KILLERS(Australia) - Questions (from 12" Locked Inside on Nomad Records 1990) 6.PERTURBED(Texas, USA) - For The People (from 7" The Perturbed on Kaniption Records / Smilin' Ear Records 1991) 7.X-O TOXINS(USA) - Exxon (from 7" X-O Toxins on Signal Sound Systems Records 1991) 8.THE HECK(Japan) - I Need It (from 7" R.I.P.S. on Rebelabel 1998) Bandcamp https://amokrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/diggin-up-the-90s The 1990s version of an omnibus that unearths buried material like Killed by Death and Bloodstains - the first! A total of 16 bands and 16 tracks from a wide range of Punk bands, from killer, obscure 77Punk-style songs to Hardcore Punk, Garage Punk and more. Blue vinyl limited to 100 copies.
TOKYO LUNGS / Soul Music (12"LP) - Limited 200 copies -
TOKYO LUNGS / Soul Music (12"LP) - Limited 200 copies - Amok Records(Germany) 2021/04 Release Simon Battery(The Domestics / Casual Nausea)、James Domestic(The Domestics / PI$$ER / KÖRD VÄRLD / Hazard Profile / Bring The Drones)らのメンバーによるサイド・プロジェクト・バンド、TOKYO LUNGSの24曲入り1stアルバム。 メンバーがOUT COLD, LOOSE NUKES, NEGATIVE APPROACH, TOTALITÄR, THE OFFENDERS, HERÄTYS, CIRCLE JERKS 1st LPを意識してアプローチしたハードコア・サウンドを展開。DLコード付き。 Hardcore Punk / UK82 / US Hardcore / d-beat https://amokrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/tokyo-lungs-soul-music Side project featuring members Simon Battery (The Domestics / Casual Nausea) and James Domestic (The Domestics / PI$$ER / KÖRD VÄRLD / Hazard Profile / Bring The Drones). First 24-track album by project band TOKYO LUNGS. The members approach their hardcore sound with OUT COLD, LOOSE NUKES, NEGATIVE APPROACH, TOTALITÄR, THE OFFENDERS, HERÄTYS and CIRCLE JERKS 1st LP in mind.
SIAL / Zaman Edan (7"EP - Black Vinyl) - Limited 500 copies -
SIAL / Zaman Edan (7"EP - Black Vinyl) - Limited 500 copies - La Vida Es Un Mus / 2021/07 Release シンガポールの女性ヴォーカル Hardcore Punk Band、SIALの2021年7月リリースの2曲入り 7"EP。ブラック・ヴィニールは500枚限定。 rawでプリミティヴな音像は変わらないものの、よりパーカッシヴでサイケデリック感も加えた進化を見せる1枚。 https://lavidaesunmus.bandcamp.com/album/zaman-edan 2-track 7" EP from Singapore's female vocal Hardcore Punk Band, SIAL, released in July 2021, limited to 500 copies on black vinyl. The raw, primitive soundscape remains the same, but this is an evolutionary piece with a more percussive and psychedelic feel.
TOXIC WASTE / Belfast (12"LP)
TOXIC WASTE / Belfast (12"LP) Sealed Records / 2021/07 Release CRASSに強い影響を受け、北アイルランドのベルファストを中心に活動していたTOXIC WASTE。1987年にBelfast Recordsから発売された編集盤LPが遂にSealed Recordsより再発。 STALAG 17とのスプリット12"収録曲や当時の新録、再録曲などの全11曲収録。歌詞カード・インサート付。 男女の掛け合いヴォーカルが響くアグレッシヴな Anarcho-Punk サウンド。 https://sealedrecords2.bandcamp.com/album/belfast TOXIC WASTE, strongly influenced by CRASS and based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, finally reissued by Sealed Records on an edited LP originally released on Belfast Records in 1987. Features a total of 11 tracks, including a split 12" with STALAG 17, as well as new and re-recorded tracks from that era. Includes lyric card and insert. Aggressive Anarcho-Punk sound with male-female vocal interplay.
PORVENIR OSCURO / Asquerosa Humanidad (12"LP)
PORVENIR OSCURO / Asquerosa Humanidad (12"LP) La Vida Es Un Mus / 2021/07 Release ニューヨークの女性ヴォーカル Hardcore Punk Band、PORVENIR OSCUROのデモ、7"に次ぐ1stフルレングスLP。全13曲収録。A2サイズの折りたたみポスター付。 スピード感と荒々しさを合わせ持ち、スペイン語で捲し立てるヴォーカル。Spanish Hardcore や Anarcho-punkの雰囲気も感じさせる。 https://lavidaesunmus.bandcamp.com/album/asquerosa-humanidad First full-length LP following demos and 7" by New York female vocal Hardcore Punk Band PORVENIR OSCURO, 13 tracks in total, with A2 size folding poster. Vocals are fast and raucous, and the band's Spanish-language vocals have a Spanish hardcore and anarcho-punk vibe.
MALADIA / Sacred Fires (12" EP)
MALADIA / Sacred Fires (12"EP) La Vida Es Un Mus 2021/05 Release ロンドンの Hardcore Punk Band、MALADIAのカセットデモ音源に次ぐ、5曲入り1st 12"EP。 Raw & Dark で 80'sヨーロピアン・ハードコアの影響も感じさせるサウンド。 https://lavidaesunmus.bandcamp.com/album/sacred-fires 1st 12" EP of 5 tracks, following a cassette demo by London Hardcore Punk Band MALADIA. Raw & dark sound with 80's European hardcore influences.
NEWTOWN NEUROTICS / Kick Out! (12"LP) Sealed Records 2020/05 Release 1979年、イギリスにて結成されたPunk Band、NEWTOWN NEUROTICSの編集盤LP。 1979~1984年に発売された6枚のシングル曲とコンピ収録曲を全15曲収録。 哀愁溢れるメロディーがせつない珠玉の名曲が詰まってます。ラモーンズのカバー2曲もあり。 写真やレビュー、インタビューなどが載った32ページのブックレット付。 https://sealedrecords2.bandcamp.com/album/kick-out Edited LP by NEWTOWN NEUROTICS, a punk band formed in the UK in 1979. Contains a total of 15 tracks from six singles and compilations released between 1979 and 1984. The melodies are full of melancholy, and the songs are gems. Also includes two Ramones covers. Includes 32-page booklet with photos, reviews and interviews.
CONTEMPT / s/t (12"LP) - Limited 374 copies in black vinyl -
CONTEMPT / s/t (12"LP) - Limited 374 copies in black vinyl - Mendeku Diskak (Spain, Basque) 2021/06 Release スペイン南東部、ムルシアの Oi! / Hardcore Punk Band、CONTEMPT。 2020年発売の1stデモ・カセットに続く待望の8曲入り1stアルバム。 374枚限定ブラック・ヴィニール・バージョン。 インサート・スリーヴ、ポストカード付き。 https://mendekudiskak.bandcamp.com/album/024-contempt-s-t-lp CONTEMPT, Oi!/Hardcore Punk Band from Murcia, south-eastern Spain. Long-awaited eight-track first album, following the first demo cassette released in 2020. Limited edition of 374 copies in black vinyl version. Includes insert sleeve and postcard.
V.A. / Mendeku Diskak Promo Kasetea Vol.1 (Cassette Tape) - Limited 200 copies -
V.A. / Mendeku Diskak Promo Kasetea Vol.1 (Cassette Tape) - Limited 200 copies - Mendeku Diskak (Spain) 2021/5 Release スペインのレーベル、Mendeku Diskakの2021年6月リリースの5バンドの作品から各バンド1曲づつ収録したカセット・コンピ。200本限定。 Punk / Hardcore / Oi! 1.CONTEMPT / Destroza 2.CASTILLO / Pride and fury 3.OGRO / Primitivo 4.REPEAT OFFENDER/ Summary execution 5.SCALPO / Generazione veleno https://mendekudiskak.bandcamp.com/album/023-mendeku-diskak-promo-kasetea-vol-1-out-now Cassette compilation featuring one track from each of the five bands from Spanish label Mendeku Diskak's June 2021 release, limited to 200 copies.
KOLPEKA / Demo (Cassette Tape) - Limited 150 copies -
KOLPEKA / Demo (Cassette Tape) - Limited 150 copies - Mendeku Diskak (Spain - Basque) 2020/10 Release スペイン、バスク地方の Hardcore / Oi! / Punk Band、KOLPEKAの5曲入り1st デモ・カセット。限定150のBlack Tapeバージョン。 なんとメンバーは15~17歳(2020年当時)の4人組。荒々しくもフレッシュな情熱溢れるサウンド。 https://mendekudiskak.bandcamp.com/album/022-kolpeka-demo-tape 1st demo cassette with 5 tracks by KOLPEKA, Hardcore / Oi!/ Punk Band from the Basque Country, Spain. Limited edition of 150, Black Tape version. What a group of four members aged 15-17 (at the time of 2020). Rough, fresh and passionate sound.
SARUSHIBAI // MANBIKI CHOCOLATE / Split (12"LP - Solid Black Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies -
SARUSHIBAI // MANBIKI CHOCOLATE / Split (12"LP - Solid Black Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies - F.O.A.D. Records (Italy) 2021/06 Release 80年代日本パンクの影響を垣間見せる群馬の「猿芝居」と、伝説のジャパニーズ・ハードコア、宇都宮の「万引チョコレイト」のスプリット12"LP。 猿芝居は6曲、万引チョコレイトは5曲の新作スタジオ・トラックを収録し、イタリアのF.O.A.D. Recordsからのリリース。 インサート、帯付き。ブラック・ヴィニール、限定200枚。 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey7pM9SCObg Split 12" LP by Gunma's Sarushibai, who show glimpses of 80s Japanese punk influence, and legendary Japanese hardcore act Manbiki Chocholate from Utsunomiya. Sarushibai features six new studio tracks and Manbiki Chocholate features five new studio tracks, released on Italy's F.O.A.D. Records. With insert and obi. Black vinyl, limited to 200 copies.
MILITARY SHADOW / Violent Reign (片面12"LP - Solid black vinyl) - Limited 200 copies -
MILITARY SHADOW / Violent Reign (片面12"LP - Solid Black Vinyl) - Limited 200 copies - F.O.A.D. Records (Italy) 2021/06 Release 東京発メタル・パンク / メタルコア・バンド、MILITARY SHADOWの2020年12月リリースの6曲入りカセット音源がイタリアのF.O.A.D. Recordsよりアナログ化。 インサート、ポストカード付。 片面12"LP、ブラック・ヴィニール、限定200枚。 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDlND-gEaiU A six-track cassette of music by Tokyo metal punk / metalcore band MILITARY SHADOW, released in December 2020, is now available in analogue format from Italian label F.O.A.D. Records. With insert and postcard. Single-sided 12" LP, black vinyl, limited to 200 copies.
HUMAN GAS / T-shirts "Super Violence HC" (Black) - Limited Edition -
HUMAN GAS / T-shirts "Super Violence HC" (Black) - Limited Edition - F.O.A.D. Records (Italy) 1980年代、北海道、本別で活動していた伝説のハードコア・バンドHUMAN GASのT-シャツ。 "Super Violence HC"デザイン。Fruit Of The Loom Valueweight。 Sサイズ - 着丈:約68cm 身幅:約45cm 袖丈:約18cm Mサイズ - 着丈:約70cm 身幅:約50cm 袖丈:約19cm Lサイズ - 着丈:約75cm 身幅:約53cm 袖丈:約20cm (サイズはあくまで目安です)